Rose froze in fear. Facing her just a few feet away was one of Whitney's murderers. He didn't move an inch. His gun pointed straight at her and his mean dark eyes glared directly into hers. She knew just how much danger she was in and if she didn't do anything quick, she was going to die.
Rose quickly threw Whitney's jacket up in the air and Billy looked up distracted. Rose took that opportunity to picked up her gun. She aimed for his heart but missed and hit his shoulder. Billy groaned in pain and lost grip of his gun.
Rose pushed him aside. She headed for the door and was half way through the stairs when Billy grabbed her leg and pulled her back down. Rose fell with a thud and bruised her ribs. She whimpered and crawled upwards but was pulled back hard.
"Where do you think you are going?" Billy angrily blurted out and she scream sharply.
Rose used her other leg to kick Billy in the face. That only made him angrier, his gritted teeth and scowl were evident of it. Rose kicked him again and this time, he let go of her. She ran out the door. To her relief, the living room door was wide open. Rose welcomed the cool breeze hitting her face when she staggered at the sudden blow to her head.
Billy groaned at his bullet wound. He covered it with his hand, completely staining it with blood. He growled at Rose's unconscious state but when he met Danny's glare, his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
Danny's nose went up in disgust, "I can't believe a skinny bitch did that much damage to you." he snarled annoyed.
Billy scowled back at him, "I could have killed her without your help." he spat.
Danny scoffed and squat down beside Rose. He pinned his fingers on her wrist. "She is still alive," he remarked in a bored tone.
Billy pulled out a dagger from his back pocket, "I'll finish her off."
Danny raised his hand to block Billy, "Wait, we can kill her later. As for now, we have to find out how much she knows and who sent her. None of our living enemies know where our hideout is." Danny added on with seriousness.
Billy dug out the first aid kit from the living room cabinet. He went over to a couch, bent his knees and groaned as he sat down. Setting the first aid kit on his lap, he sniffed at Danny.
"Well, this bitch has proven otherwise. She could be a spy or a reporter." he commented and opened the kit to no bandages but pain killers and scissors. "When was the last time we refilled this thing?"
Danny ignored his question and pulled Rose off the floor. He threw her over his shoulder and turned to walk away.
"Where are you taking her?" Billy asked.
"To the basement." Danny answered as he walked with a sinister chuckle at the end.
Maradina was watering the plants in her room when she noticed a dead sunflower. Her heart sank brittle leaf between her fingers, daring not to break it. She knelt down, put the flower pot on her laps and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and began humming a song.
Her angelic voice met with the air in a soothing rhythm. She swayed her head but kept her eyes closed as she sang from her heart. It was a melody like no other, enchanting and therapeutic. One of the gods.
A bright light peered out of her parted lips. It covered the flower in a glittering light. The flower's stem grew stronger and it stood up straight. It's brown brittle petals retained their yellow glow once more. The leaves became even greener than they were before. The more Maradina sang, the fresher the sunflower became.
"A beautiful voice that brings things back to life." Waxx suddenly said and pulled his shades down the bridge of his nose as he inspected the flower.
Maradina cheeks turned red with embarrassment. She put the flower pot down and rushed towards the door. Waxx went after her and grabbed her hand. She tried to snatch her hand back but his hold was too strong.
Maradina looked through his shades and saw his eyes staring back at her. Her heart skipped a beat. She blushed even more.
"I didn't mean to scare you," Waxx softly assured, "I am just fascinated by your voice. I wonder why a girl with such a beautiful voice would choose to remain silent. Come on, you can talk to me." Waxx found himself hitting against the wall. "What the fuck?" he cursed underneath his breath as he got back up.
"You pervert, how dare you try to take advantage of Maradina just because you found her all alone?" Sana yelled at him while pumping her fist in the air.
"It is too late in the night for this shit. I am going to bed." Waxx said and walked out of the room.
Sanuika laughed at the whole thing. Sana on the other hand was still very much upset. She stomped her feet, went to the door and slammed it shut. Josh who was on his way out of the bathroom threw his hands back startled with the sudden bang.
Maradina, as usual, didn't say anything. She went to her bed, got into her covers and closed her eyes. She thought about what had just happened with Waxx and her heart melted.
Maradina felt weird but she wasn't eluded by the weird feeling. That was because she once had it a long time ago. She smiled at the feeling, blushing ever so sweetly in the solace of her covers.