Steve leaned back his chair with his eyes running through a folder. He picked up his pen and signed the dotted line before picking up another file. His telephone buzzed and he pressed a button - his mind still preoccupied with what he was reading.
'Sir, Miss Asher is here to see you.' his secretary said through the speakers.
Steve froze with the file in hand. His lips curled into a smile of relief and dropped his head back with a sigh. Bringing it back, he shook his thoughts in order.
"Allow her in." he permitted and breathed out through his mouth.
'Yes sir.' his secretary hung up.
Asher went to his door and knocked. She heard Steve tell her to go in and slowly opened the door. Steve immediately noticed that she was still wearing the same dress she wore last night. Asher put her hands behind her back and walked towards him feeling awkward.
"Hi," she whispered to him and bit her lip, her blue eyes avoiding his.
Steve stood up and got away from his desk. "Where were you? Your phone was off." he expressed his concern to which she raised her face to him.
A moment of silence passed. While Steve longingly looked at Asher, she mostly kept her eyes off him. When she finally faced him again, she parted her lips to speak and Steve swallowed hard.
"I spent the night at a hotel." she answered his question, tucked her lips and said, "My battery died. I didn't carry my charger."
"I'm glad you're okay. I was so worried about y-"
"I'm sorry," Asher cut him off, a sniffle followed to which Steve dropped his brows. "I acted so inconsiderate. I should have given you chance to explain everything."
"You accepted my past as a cocaine addict. You were there for me in my darkest times. I am so sorry Steve." Asher wiped away a stray tear.
Steve pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him the chance to sniff her hair. "Oh Asher, I should be the one apologizing to you for keeping a big secret from you."
Asher pulled away and gazed into his sincere eyes. "I love you Steve."
Steve chuckled happily at her words. He was so sure that he was going to lose her after telling her the truth. Hearing her tell him that she loved him warmed him up so much that he felt like he was the happiest man in the world. A huge burden was lifted off his shoulders. "I love you too. I promise no more secrets between us."
Asher grinned mischievously at him and blinked her teary eyes. "Before I agree to that, I have a secret that I want to reveal to you too."
"What is it?" Steve asked with a smile.
"I am pregnant. I discovered this last week. I wanted to surprise you on your birthday next week."
Steve picked her off the ground and twirled her around in excitement. "I am the happiest man on Earth!" he exclaimed.
"Let's move our wedding closer."
"I was about to say the same thing." Asher said and they locked in a slow passionate kiss.
At Commander Diavinx's secret base was vice commander Quix holding the latest report he got from the New York captain. It contained information about the peak in the negative energy. Quix did not read it yet and he wondered what was written on it. When he got into commander Diavinx's office, he found him playing with a cat on the carpet. Quix cleared his throat.
"Sir, I have the reports concerning the negative energy in New York." He said.
"Please read it to me." Diavinx answered still playing with the cat.
"Yes commander." Quix sat down. "Due to our investigation, we have discovered the cause of the high levels of bad energy." Quix read and the commander let go of his cat and gave his full attention.
"The cause is the numerous vampires in the city. We have killed so many of them so far to cut down on the numbers but the vampires are just so many. They are causing so much distraction. We therefore seek assistance from you, honorable commander Diavinx." Quix finished reading.
"Vampires huh? I had a feeling." Diavinx rubbed his chin.
"Commander, do you think the Infinite Medallion has something to do with this?" Quix asked him.
"Maybe so vice commander. Send troops to search New York for the medallion immediately."
After two hours of driving, the police closed in on the Packet brothers. Rajat identified Rose's car. He believed that Rose was close or perhaps what was left of her. The police drove closer to where the beeper led them. In no time they spotted the cabin.
They parked in front of it. Wasting no time, the police and SWAT team stepped out of their vehicles and pointed their guns at the cabin. Detective Harvey held an air phone to his mouth.
Rose gasped when she heard this. Tears of joy trekked down her eyes. Finally ,help had arrived. Perhaps, not all hope was lost.
The Packets on the other hand got up stunned. They quickly got their riffles ready and peeped through the curtains.
"We have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up!"
"Fuck! I knew that bitch had cops nearby." Lil Jack lamented angrily to which Danny cocked his shotgun.
"Wake those two up. We ain't going down that easy." Danny told Billy while looking at Monique and Madeline. They were napping on the couch.
Billy kicked the couch and received an annoyed groan from Madeline in response. "Wake up you two!" he screamed at them.
"Damn it Billy! What the fuck?" Madeline growled while Monique just yawned.
"I am hungry." Monique licked her lips.
"There is food outside. Go and help yourselves." Danny grinned darkly at them.
The vampires moved with flash steps that blew the curtains. The police took notice and heightened their concentration for anything. Little did they know that beastly yellow glowing eyes stared at them greedily. The vampires' fangs stuck out as they salivated at the delicious sight of the police.
"Do you think they will come out?" Rajat asked detective Harvey from inside the car.
"Be quiet and stay in there." Detective Harvey sternly told him. "I REPEAT COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS...good god man what the hell?!"
He shrieked when he saw Monique and Madeline run after them growling like the beasts that they were. Monique picked up a log and used it to smash one of the cars. Rajat screamed and the police opened fire. The bullets hit them but did no harm to them.
Rajat feared for his life and got out of the car. He slipped underneath it unnoticed by anyone and covered his ears. The two vampires bite off neck after neck and drank blood greedily like animals.
"Keep firing!" Detective Harvey yelled as he shot at Madeline.
Her attention turned towards him. She wiped the blood off her mouth and let her abnormally long tongue stick out. She charged at him and he shot at her screaming. Madeline round kicked his gun away and punched him. He fell to the ground and didn't see Rajat hiding underneath the car.
Rajat crawled out of the car trying his best to avoid the bullets he couldn't see but hear. He ran to the cabin unnoticed. When he saw the door suddenly open, he hid behind a bush by the porch. Rajat held his breath when saw the Packets step out with loaded shot guns. They headed for the battlefield.
A bullet missed Rajat and he had no option but to run into the cabin. He was panting heavily as he looked left and right. He panicked at no sign of Rose anywhere.
"Miss Peterson!" he desperately called out and Rose heard him.
"Rajat?" She whispered to herself in disbelief. "Help! Help me!" She screamed after him. "Rajat I am in the basement!" she screamed louder and Rajat heard her.
Rajat followed her voice and it led him to the basement. He ran down the stairs and burst the door open only to find Rose all tied up and beaten.
"Rajat, please get me out of here." She cried. Without a word, Rajat began untying her. "Hurry!"
"I am almost there." Rajat assured her. In no time he freed her. "Good now let's get out of..." Rajat froze with his eyes wide open.
Rose looked at him with so much horror in her eyes and warm blood plastered on her face. Rajat touched his bloody belly, looked at Rose one last time and fell to the floor dead.
Billy's sudden laughter shattered Rose. "Did you really think that you could escape?" he mockingly asked her and put one more bullet in Rajat's skull.
Rose tried to run but Billy blocked her path. He hit her forehead hard with a gun and she fell to the floor. Her head pounded and her vision was blacked in and out. She could still see the fading image of Rajat's body lying in a pool of blood.
Billy walked to her and forced her head down with his boot. He laughed hysterically like a maniac. Rose cried the more she looked at Rajat. She tried to stretch out her hand to him but she was too weak to move.
"Rajat... " her tears poured. "You can't be dead. Please wake up." she whispered and kept trying to reach out to him.
"He is dead." Billy venomously taunted. "And so will you."
Detective Harvey looked at his fallen men devastated and horrified at the same time. They laid scattered with their necks ripped off. The smoke coming out of the burning cars was chocking and blinding.
Knowing that the battle was lost, he shakily stepped back. Madeline grabbed him from behind and roughly bit his neck. His bones cracked and blood splashed out as she violently devoured him.
Her roars and his gaggling screams only made Danny and Lil Jack laugh hard. Madeline threw what was left of Harvey to a nearby car and watched his body burn with a bloody grin.
"Good job girls." Danny praised the vampires and they hugged him squeaking happily. "Ey don't get that blood on me. This is a new shirt for fucks sake!" he reprimanded them but they didn't let go. "Let go of me damn it!"
"We have to get rid of the bodies before they start to stink." Lil Jack voiced out his concern with disgust.
"We will do it tonight. As for now, let's pack them in the truck."
It was a hot afternoon in New York. Daisy, sweaty and naked, sat on top of Bruce who was naked too. The two barely covered themselves with a bed sheet. Daisy moved her head to the jazz song playing on the radio. Bruce put his hands on her breasts and she held them. She teasingly rubbed them against her breasts. Bruce just laid there enjoying his hands on her breasts.
"Baby, what wish should we make when we get the medallion?" Daisy asked him.
"I don't know. I have already got what I always wanted but I'd want to twerk it up a bit." Bruce contented with a grin.
Daisy bent towards him, her perky breasts hanging in his face. Tempting him to put a nipple in his mouth but he kept his tongue at bay. Daisy spread his arms apart and placed her face close to his.
With her eyes partially closed, she put her lips so close to his opened mouth. Bruce moaned at the air she blew into his mouth. Daisy stuck her tongue into his mouth and Bruce kissed her deeply with everything he had. After a while, Daisy pulled away from him and put her finger to his hungry lips.
"And what would you want to better your world?" she asked him.
"Your immortality," Bruce giggled.
Bruce turned Daisy over and got on top of her. He kissed her deeply. His kiss moved to her neck and she moaned. Using the tips of his hands, he felt her breasts. Daisy moaned even more and before she knew it, Bruce made his way in.
Daisy set her hands on Bruce's waist and gritted her teeth in sheer pleasure at his strong bed moving thrusts. Their moans were so loud that Sana and Sanuika raised their eyebrows in the living room. They closed their eyes blushing heavily with embarrassment.
"They have been at it for hours. How much crazier will things get here?" Sanuika asked Sana who was busy closing her ears.
Maradina stood motionless by the window. She sensed the presence of vampires in the area. The twins sensed it too and abruptly stood up. They felt a tingling sensation all over their bodies and knew that it was high time they fed.
Waxx and Josh weren't around. The girls took this opportunity to go out and feed without anyone stopping them. Derrick watched them leave in silence. He just shrugged his shoulders and changed the TV channel.
Once out, the three girls closed their eyes and sensed the vampires around them. The three lunged up into the air in three different directions. They ran on roof tops jumping from building to building. Each did not think of the other. Their thirst for vampires made them only focus on satisfying themselves.
Maradina stopped and paused like a lioness watching her prey. She saw three vampires in an alley about to devour a boy. She tilted her head as she watched them drain the life of the him in a bloody mess that left a graffiti wall stained.
Seeing that they had their fill, Maradina leapt down and landed on her feet causing a mini Earthquake. The vampires were startled by the sight of Maradina glaring at them with glowing red eyes.
"Fuck a darkas god!" one shrieked.
"We can take her. She is all alone." another one growled.
One charged at Maradina and threw a punch. Maradina blocked it with one hand and punched the vampire hard in his nose. The other two lunged up to the roof of a three story building. They watched in horror as Maradina absorbed their friend.
"Let's get out of here." One said to her friend but got no response. She turned around to see why and she was mortified to see Sana absorbing him. "Shit!"
The remaining vampire jumped to another building running as fast as she could. Sanuika spotted her and went after her. Just when she was about to escape, Sanuika kicked her hard off a building. She shrieked in fear as she plummeted to the tarmac. When she opened her eyes, she looked into the red eyes of Sanuika.
Sanuika covered her mouth before she could scream again and she began feeding. The vampire felt her strength draining. Her body shrank and shrank until it looked like a dried up fruit. Sanuika continued to feed until the body turned into dust.
"Dude, I got all that on camera!" an excited male voice sounded.
Sanuika turned to the people looking at her. Some were horrified and astonished by what they just witnessed. Most of them, like the excited boy, had their camera phones filming her.