#Warning - This chapter contains extreme violence.
Rose weakly opened her eyes. She could hardly see anything anymore because her contact lenses went to the back of her eyes. Despite her poor vision, Rose knew that she was outside the cabin. She turned her eyes and saw a feminine figure standing not so far away from her and Billy.
Akirexer started walking towards them. Billy shot at her but the bullets bounced off of her and hit other objects. In panic, Billy aimed the gun back at Rose. His grip on the gun was so shaky that he feared he would drop it.
"Stay away from me!" he raised his voice in fright. "Stay back! I will kill her, I swear!"
Akirexer chuckled and continued approaching him. Billy pulled the trigger but to his surprise, he shot his own hand. Groaning in pain, he lifted his head only to see Rose safe in Akirexer's arms. She focused her gamarax on Rose and pulled her away from Billy right before he pulled the trigger.
Akirexer ignored Billy's groans of pain. She got down on her knee and gently put Rose on the ground. Akirexer gazed into Rose's weak eyes and her heart ached. She clenched her jaw at the macabre sight of her naked breasts with holes in them. Akirexer didn't mind that some of the blood got onto her cloak.
The last time she saw Rose looking so vulnerable was on the day she first met her. Overtime, Rose had grown into a confident and bold woman so seeing her like that really hurt her. Akirexer used her thumb to wipe dried up blood from Rose's lip.
"It's okay, no one will hurt you anymore. I'm here now." she softly said to her.
'That voice...Whitney is that you?' Rose thought to herself.
Rose tilted her head and squinted her eyes at Akirexer. She couldn't see her face clearly but there was no denying that something about her was familiar.
"Whitney," Rose smiled and passed out again.
Akirexer let go of her and stood up. She smirked at Billy staggering away towards the west. With flash steps, she pursued him. She pulled his shirt from behind and threw him onto a tree. Billy fell to the ground curved his back in pain.
Akirexer picked him up by his neck. She held him high up in the air with one hand. Billy shrieked at the sight of her blood thirsty red eyes glaring sharply at him.
"Please don't hurt me." Billy begged and wobbled his feet desperately. "I am just working for a vampire. You should understand now that you have become one yourself."
"While you beg for your life, you choose to insult the one holding it. Who says that I am a vampire? Has your fear blinded you so much that you can't see that I am a superior being?" Akirexer mocked Billy and he whimpered.
"I can work for you." Billy bargained with hopeful eyes.
Akirexer squeezed his neck and Billy vigorously moved his legs. He couldn't breathe. "Does it hurt? I'm I hurting you?" she whispered and creepily tilted her head. "You look scared. You fucking should be."
Akirexer dropped Billy to the ground. He coughed violently and gasped in an attempt to reopen his air passages. The sight of Akirexer standing there with a dark grin turned his blood cold. Billy forced himself up and escaped into the woods.
He, unfortunately, couldn't run because of his bullet wounds and backache. His only desire to survive kept him going. As he trotted away, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialled Danny's number.
"Pick up pick up."
Far deep into the woods, Danny's phone rang in his back pocket. He pulled it out and flatly stared at it ringing. Danny faced forward and watched Lil Jack dump a body into a pit with several others in it. The bodies at the back of the truck indicated that there was still much work to do.
Danny cut the call and put it on silent before shoving the phone back in his pocket. Whatever Billy had to say could wait. He put his hands back to work with Lil Jack - his phone flashing a light in his back pocket.
Billy gapped dismayed by his brother's actions. He had to find a way out on his own without the help of Danny and Lil Jack. Akirexer's sudden playful chuckle nearly forced a scream out of him. The last thing Billy needed was to blow his cover.
"Billy! Oh Billy! Come out come out wherever you are." he heard her sing.
"Shit shit shit." Billy panicked as he jogged on with his hand on his fresh wound.
"Come on Billy, the sooner I kill you, the better. We can't waste anymore time here. You're not the only bastard I have to deal with." Akirexer burst out laughing again but louder.
Hearing her gave Billy a restless feeling. He was even more afraid than before. The thought of finding a place to hide crossed his mind because he knew that out running her was impossible.
Billy frantically looked around for a cave or something. He spent years in those woods but his fear crippled his memory. What a horrible dread it was.
Akirexer suddenly landed in front of him and he skidded right into her punch. Billy fell back with a bleeding nose. He stayed down groaning in pain.
"How does it feel like to feel helpless? To have someone else treat you like shit?" Akirexer kicked hard in his ribs.
He tried to crawl away but Akirexer stomped him back down. She grabbed his collar and thrust him back. His loud grunts forced a scoff out of Akirexer's lips.
"I remember you now. You're the one who mentioned that my body was still warm enough to rape." she nodded her head as if trying to convince herself. "Yes, it was definitely you."
Billy raised his stained hand up. "I am sorry, okay? Please!"
Akirexer stretched out her hand and off came her dragon mark. It morphed into her sword and Billy's heart dropped. Billy screamed as loud as he could in hopes that maybe his brothers would hear him. Maybe, just maybe, they were on their way back.
Billy tried to get away but she pulled his leg and threw him against a tree. This time Billy lost all his strength. Akirexer pulled his hair up and raised her sword.
"Please, don't kill me." Billy dropped a tear.
"Where is that bastard? I went to his house but found a different family." Akirexer pulled his hair hard and he winced. "Where is he?!"
Instead of answering Akirexer's question, Billy screamed. That only angered Akirexer more. She sank her fingers into his skull, screaming at him to answer her until she heard a crack.
Her fingers felt through broken bone, hair and warm blood. With her perfect sight, she clearly saw Billy's slimy brain in her hand. Her eyes remained wide with her face stained. Akirexer withdrew her hand and Billy's body fell face down.
She blinked once, twice, thrice and took a step back.
"I can't believe I still don't know my own strength." Akirexer complained to herself as the broken skull oozed out blood. The metallic scent of it disgusted her. She turned away and headed back to the cabin.
Akirexer went straight to Rose upon arriving. She picked her up, put her over her shoulder and opened a portal to the local hospital. When she got there, she gently put Rose on the pavement and disappeared into another portal.
Akirexer reappeared on the rooftop of a building opposite the local hospital. She stood there as the wind blew her hair and cape, watching Rose. Minutes later, a man and woman walked out of the hospital. The man quickly ran to Rose and felt for a pulse.
"Go and call a nurse!" Akirexer heard him tell the woman and she ran inside.
Soon nurses were out and they had a stroller. They put Rose on it and took her inside. Akirexer was relieved that Rose was in safe hands. A nurse spotted her on the rooftop. Akirexer turned away immediately. It was time that she left anyway. She put her hood back on and lunged into the air.
"One down, three to go."
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