Akirexer kept her eyes on the three threats ahead but her focus was on Danny's truck escaping at full speed down the road. She clenched her jaw hard and angry at the girls.
Sniffing out the Packets by their scent took her hours. Now that Danny knew that she was back, he wasn't going to be easy to find. A little part of her regretted killing Jack before asking him where Steve was.
The three in front of her ruined everything. Their interference just made her work a little harder. She was going to have to go to the Firm in search of Steve. Something she didn't want to do.
Maradina's sudden moan in pain interrupted Akirexer's pondering. She raised her eyebrow at Maradina going down on her knees. Akirexer continued to look on puzzled as Maradina squeezed her eyes closed and gnashed her teeth at her throbbing head. To her surprise, Maradina's dragon faded away into thin air until it was completely out of sight. Maradina finally collapsed and Sana ran to her aid.
"She is out cold." Sana said to Sanuika who hadn't taken her eyes off Akirexer.
"It's okay, let her rest. We will take it from here." Sanuika answered and Akirexer scoffed.
The twins sprayed their daggers at Akirexer and she swiftly hit them away with her sword. Sana lunged at her and threw a at kick Akirexer. Akirexer blocked her kick with her sword and shoved her back. Sana back flipped away from Akirexer and landed on one knee.
Sanuika jumped up in the air and threw hundreds of daggers at Akirexer. Akirexer failed to dodge all of them and got hit by a few of them. She groaned in pain at their sharpness.
Seeing that she was in a vulnerable state, Sana thrust herself at her and attempted to kick her again when Akirexer grabbed her leg, hit her on the ground, punched her in the stomach and threw her straight into the building.
Sanuika charged at her with one dagger and nearly slit Akirexer's throat with one swing. Akirexer side kicked the dagger off Sanuika's hand and slashed her sword at her. Sanuika dodged the sword and kicked Akirexer under her chin. She proceeded to throw more daggers at her while she was down but Akirexer rolled away to safety.
Sana emerged out of the building screaming angrily as hell. She pulled out a street light pole and went fuming at Akirexer. Akirexer held the other end of the pole and tossed Sana with all her might to Sanuika. The both of them crushed into a building. Bricks and rubble fell on them as they tried to get up. Police sirens were heard. Akirexer chuckled and launched into the air.
"Damn it, she has escaped!" Sana expressed her frustration through her teeth.
"Let's grab Maradina and get out of here before the humans see us." Sanuika told Sana.
It was unfortunately too late. The police had them surrounded. They flashed their headlights at them, hid behind their car doors and pointed their guns.
"We have you surrounded. Drop your weapons!"
Sana held her dagger tight and glared at them.
"Sana, we cannot show the humans our abilities." Sanuika reminded her.
"I know that but we can't afford to get captured by them either. It is either them or us Sanuika and I choose us."
Sana was about to attack them when a great and strong wind blew through them. The wind was so strong that it blew the police and their cars away. Soon the whole place was quiet again and standing before them with his scythe out was Waxx. The girls saw Bruce stepping out of a portal.
Bruce headed straight for Maradina, took a look at her and sighed. The twins's hearts sank at his furrow. They desperately ran to Maradina and knelt down beside her. She looked so pale and weak. They had no idea that keeping a dragon on Earth for a long time would drain her so much. Bruce picked her up bridal style and turned to the twins.
"Please open a portal back to the hideout. I believe that I will be able to help her from there." he smiled at them but it did not wipe the worry off their faces.
"Come on, don't worry. She will not hibernate because of this." Waxx spoke up. "Let's get out of here before more humans show up."
All five darkas gods disappeared into a portal. Lightening bolts sounded as it closed behind them. Watching from afar on a rooftop was wounded Akirexer. A dagger was in her bleeding shoulder. She pulled it out and let out a moan.
Panting in pain, she put pressure on the wound and forced herself to stand up straight. A bat flew past Akirexer and flew across the sky. Akirexer glanced at it until it finally vanished from her sight.
The bat flew and flew. It squeaked across the city avoiding the buildings. It got into the woods and made its way into a cave. Water dripped down but none of it hit the bat. It squeezed itself into a crack in the wall of the cave and made its way down a tunnel. It finally ended up in an underground hallway, squeaking its way to the door of Dr Spencer's lab. Waiting for it was the mad scientist himself.
He held out his hand and it hung upside down on it. Dr Spencer looked around suspiciously, adjusted his lenses and got into the lab. Once he was inside, Dr Spencer held his hand up and looked into the eyes of the bat.
His eyes glowed yellow and veins covered his face. He saw everything that the bat had recorded earlier at the Von House Palace through its special genetically mutated eyes. He smirked at the majestic snow white dragon.
"Finally, my project will finally be completed!" he chuckled in a disturbing manner. "Come now my pet, we must find that girl with the dragon. The Great One will be pleased." he excitedly said.
"Wait a minute..." He paused after he saw Akirexer. Dr Spencer broke his connection with the bat. He took off his glasses and sat down with a devious grin. "This should be interesting."