"It was so nice of you to let the girls go to comic con," Bruce remarked to Waxx who was casually lying on the couch.
"Too bad Maradina couldn't go." Waxx replied and ended with a yawn as he scratched his chest.
"Well, she still needs her rest." Bruce changed the TV channel.
A black jeep with tainted windows parked outside the Serial Takers hideout. A window at the front slid down and Bolt; along with Sean who was in the driver's seat, looked at the four-story building suspiciously. Sheila was in the back seat with sunglasses on and busy texting on her phone.
"We followed the directions given to us by the mad scientist to the dot. I am beginning to think that he is even more insane than I ever imagined. I can't see anything signifying a hideout here." Bolt hissed through his gritted teeth.
"I hear he sent out a bat to track down this place." Sean added with a chuckled.