Josh and Bolt barely stood up straight facing each other. Panting heavily, each was bruised and beaten. The peculiar thing about them was that despite their wounds and bloody mouths, they were smiling widely at each other. This was due to the fact that both of them were enjoying their fight.
Josh couldn't deny that Bolt's lightening had an upper hand against his indestructible chain. That was because his chain was a good conductor of electricity. With every attack he unleashed on Bolt, he got zapped and he was getting sick of it.
Bolt slapped his hands together and formed a lightening sword. "This right here is going to cut you in half." he blurted out to which Josh scoffed.
"We'll just have to see about that."
Bolt swung the sword at Josh and he jumped back. Josh thrust himself at Bolt and caught the hand with the sword. He then head butted Bolt and the impact of it made Bolt lose his concentration. Consequently, his lightening sword disappeared involuntarily.