Steve drove like a maniac into Rose's driveway. He and Asher got out of the car and Steve led her to the door. He rang the doorbell impatiently until he heard Rose's annoyed voice from the inside. When Rose flung open the door, she raised her brows stunned to see Steve and Asher in their wedding clothes. What surprised her the most was the dry blood sticking out of Steve's nose and mouth.
"Oh my goodness Steve what the hell happened to you guys?" She gave them way into her house. "Aren't you two supposed to be at the chapel?" Rose asked as she led them into the living room.
Sitting on the carpet with toys scattered around him was Mason and the puppy. He was watching a cartoon on the TV. The sound of footsteps made him turn his attention away from the TV. He recognized Steve and smiled at him.
"Hi uncle Steve, would you like to go outside and play ball with me?" Mason sweetly asked Steve. His soft eyes sparkled in anticipation.