Chapter 58 - "What were my last words to you?"

Akirexer stepped back with her eyes wide. Britney kept her hands apart and wore the warmest of smiles. She softly nodded her head at Akirexer who shook her head right back in denial

"I cannot believe this." Akirexer mouthed.

"Believe it, Whitney." Britney took a step closer.

"No, I saw you. You nearly killed me." Akirexer took another step back.

"I know it is hard to believe but it really is me. I am your Britney." Britney stepped closer.

"Stay back!" Akirexer raised her voice at Britney and she halted. "Do you think that I am an idiot?" she growled and her fangs appeared.

Alex, still in his werewolf form, shielded Britney. He looked like a gigantic wolf beside Britney. His furry tail hid her nakedness from the waist down. The other werewolves growled and zeroed in on Akirexer and Maradina, ready to pounce at any given chance to attack.