Akirexer laid exhausted on the ground with her bruised arms and legs spread apart. She was sweating and panting heavily. The cool breeze of the night soothed her. She had been training all day with minimum rest and still she got no where near Waxx's chin.
"This is by far the worst training I have ever done." Akirexer coughed and wheezed.
Maradina chugged down a bottle of water. She sustained only a few bruises on her hands. Maradina slowly got up to her feet and dusted herself. Akirexer turned her head to Maradina and frowned.
"Are you leaving me all alone?" Akirexer asked Maradina.
"I wish to have my bath." Maradina explained.
"You're so sweet Maradina. You don't have to explain yourself. Go on ahead. I will join you as soon as I master the strength to get up."