Escabitha's live stream suddenly cut and every device that showed it went blank. Asher rushed into Steve's arms and she heard his heart beating. It was clear to her that even he was afraid. The sudden uproar outside startled them. Steve and Asher packed what they could in a haste and carried their babies. When they got outside, they saw nothing but chaos.
Some of the houses and cars were on fire. Steve and Asher were astonished to see people they thought to be friendly neighbors devouring others. They took note of strange vampires that ran amok in the neighborhood abducting humans and forcing them into vans. An old man tripped and fell right in their driveway. Asher screamed when she saw two vampires drag him away and devour him.
Steve opened his car door and put the first baby in its car seat. Asher followed suit and soon, they raced out of the neighborhood. Tattooed vampires dressed in black followed them out on motorcycles.