Explosions were heard all over the Kremis dimension. The war was getting worse by the minute. Bodies of the darkas gods and vampires were scattered all over the dry land. Akirexer and the Serial Takers were able to wipe out the Screamers. Without Sheila's leadership, they lost coordination in the battlefield.
"We have to find the headquarters. That's where Queen Sharaina will be!" Waxx unknowingly said on top of his voice.
"What?!" Akirexer yelled after him as she rubbed her ears. She couldn't shake the ringing sound off.
"I think he said we should go!" Sana loudly voiced out.
"What?!" Waxx asked Sana.
"What?!" Akirexer asked him back.
"What are you all talking about?!" Josh winced at his wounded shoulder. One of the vampires got to him and the oxmaynatrifin was already taking its toll on him.