More than a hundred yards away from the main battlefield was Waxx and Sean. Sean was running away from Waxx who chased after him in a tornado. Sean could not see Waxx in the tornado but Waxx could see him clearly. In order to get further away from Waxx, Sean made lava burst out of the ground and surfed on it with his bare feet.
Sean surfed to the top of a hill and stopped. He looked up at the tornado and smiled at Waxx. Waxx wondered what he was up to. He looked closely at the hill and saw that it was a volcano about to erupt. Sean took out his oxmaynatrifin bottle and drunk it all. He crossed his hands on his chest and fell backwards into the volcano.
Within seconds, the volcano started to shake violently and it caused an earthquake. It was felt by some of the people in the battlefield including Akirexer. The sudden quake distracted one of Nadia's dogs and Akirexer punched its head off its body.