Akirexer and Escabitha brawled in the sky. Meelzib lost sight of them and turned his attention to those below him. He dived to the ground and was immediately surrounded by all the commanders except Diavinx. Meelzib's dragon mark left his chest and morphed into a double edged golden sword with a green handle.
"You never cease to surprise us, Meelzib." Naraygeous was first to speak up.
"It is King Meelzib." Meelzib angrily corrected Naraygeous. "Know it. Remember it. Respect it. Fear it."
Yolin scoffed openly. "You are a king of no one. Your reign was nothing but a plague to Dark Star."
"I can never be moved by the words of a harlot." Meelzib took his stance. "I am the rightful ruler of Dark Star. My father, King Raglan ruled Dark Star for close to ten thousand years before I succeeded after him. That witch you call queen is nothing but a daughter of a common carpenter. I'm taking my kingdom back and there's nothing you can do to stop me."