Chapter 9: Behind Spotlights

I don't get it. A part of me in a different universe? It doesn’t make any sense.

"Are you saying that a part of me is Lee Mi Ra? I mean it sounds a bit crazy, don’t you think? It was all a dream crazily made up of imagination."

The words I blurted out sounded strange. It didn't sound like my usual self. It had a different accent, sentence structure, and unfamiliar syllables. I realized that I replied to him in Korean. I covered my mouth in shock. Did it really mean that I was transported there as a completely different person?

"Ah finally, I can speak with you using Korean. It will be less difficult for me to communicate," said Dong-Yul. I still couldn't believe Dong-Yul’s last statement, I'm still confused with everything that happened there

I can understand him whenever he uses Korean. It's like I don't need a translator for me to comprehend his words. Every word he blurted out seems auto-translated so that I can freely communicate with him. Then, he must be really telling the truth? Did everything that happened there real?

"Let me explain to you this briefly. In that universe, we have only met in a short moment and you left without even saying goodbye. The Dong-yul you’ve met there could not believe that he would collide with you again at the most unexpected time."

I shook my head. "Wait, slow down. What do you mean that I have met a different Dong-Yul before? Unbelievable!"

My throat felt parched after I replied. I still felt weak. I'm still feverish and only rested for an hour as I looked at the clock. I didn't take my medicine yet.

"Wait a minute, I haven't drunk my medicine yet. Let me get it from my backpack first." I tried to walk still but I tend to shudder easily from the lack of balance which resulted from being lightheaded.

"Stay here, I will get your bag for you. I'll call the driver to pick up your bag from the van." He put the pot of kimchi stew and a cup of sticky rice on the dining room table. He rushed outside a sudden gasp which can be heard from the outside.

Sir Vito carried my backpack and lay it on my side. I reached out into one of its pockets, took the medicine, and drank lots of bottled water.

Sir Vito looked at me worried and concerned, "As I mentioned a while ago, you shouldn't have come here today for practice." He laid his palm on my forehead. "You need to go back to the dorms. Take a night to rest and inform your dorm managers. I'll take you back–"

"Wait a minute sir," Dong-Yul stopped sir Vito's statement. "I'm afraid that she is terribly weak, she may faint at any moment. You know how high her dorms are located. You can see that she feels too tired to travel right now. Let her rest here, I'll keep a keen eye on her."

Sir Vito straightened his back. "Mr. Dong-Yul, I don't mean to sound rude but I think it would be best if we ensure Mia's safety first. I could help her carry stuff and return her safely to the dorms. And as much as possible, I wanted to lessen any issues arising from her absence. The dorm managers might get worried after all."

Dong-Yul was left silent for a few moments. "If that's the case, then let her eat dinner first. She'll gain more strength after eating, right Mia?"

"Of course! I already felt a rumble in my stomach," I replied cheerfully. Dong-Yul invited my teacher to eat dinner with us, the kimchi stew tasted great but it was so spicy that I had to drink a lot of water. Dong-Yul refills my glass with water every time it becomes empty. It felt like I drank a pitcher of water. I have a low tolerance for spicy food to the point that it made me sweat a lot.

Yet, the spiciness lowered the chills I had. I actually felt quite better after eating. I felt my cheeks getting redder as I saw Dong-Yul's reaction. He showed me his cute bunny smile.

"Behind the spotlights which shines on him is that same bunny smile he projects in the group’s own variety show as it makes my heart flutter unexpectedly," my inner thoughts. Mia, why are you even saying this to yourself?

"You really look cute when you eat. Maybe, you can create a blog of you eating Filipino foods like Gil-hyung who promotes different kinds of Korean cuisine while eating."

"I think I won't do it in the future, people will easily laugh at me. And I have a fever today so that means I may eat food differently when I'm in my normal self. I might be seen as a food lover of various foods with my peculiar habits when eating." He suddenly burst in laughter. I laughed along with him as well.

I realized that Sir Vito didn't understand anything that I've said

"What's funny? It is true! They'll likely compare me with a bat who needs to drink blood or a pig who is so voracious in eating."

We both laughed in unison. Sir Vito remained confused. "Mia, you already know how to speak in Korean?"

I shifted my language back to English and replied, "Yes sir! I got used to watching K-dramas so often that I can gradually understand Korean."

"Ah, I see. I've also studied Korean before because of the popularity of the Big Bang. How about you? Are you a fan of 7AD?"

"I don't usually listen to K-pop. I know some of their songs however I wouldn't consider myself as a fan of them."

"Ah okay, I'll play some of 7AD's songs for the whole trip today."

"Okay, sir. Thank you."

Dong-Yul was closely listening to our conversation. I wonder if he could fully understand it or not.

I spoke back to Dong-Yul in Korean, "Dong-Yul-sunbae, I just told sir that I am just

not into K-pop but I like some of your group songs."

He became relieved. "It's a good thing. I knew that you weren't a sasaeng or an anti-fan the moment we met because you could have taken the opportunity to take a picture of me."

"I know. Though I have a friend who is an ultimate fangirl of your group, 7AD. I'm sure that she will get surprised when she meets all of you in person."

"If that's so, I'll send her a picture maybe someday, only if you become a member of the official girl group. I'm sure that she will give you her support when that happens."

I hope so but it is too early to assume. I don't know whether I'll survive from the training process or not. Gosh, I haven't passed the auditions yet.

After we finished eating dinner, Dong-Yul decided that I should go back to the dorms. "One thing before you leave." Dong-Yul gave me a book that contains Hangul. "Make sure to read this whenever you have time. And get plenty of rest. We'll practice when your condition gets better."

"Okay, Dong-Yul-sunbae. Goodbye and thank you." I waved back at him just before I rode into the van.

Sir Vito gazed at my direction and said, "I didn't expect that Dong-Yul is a considerate person towards you. By the way, I'll change the date of your scheduled quiz, there won't be a quiz tomorrow. So Mia, promise me that you'll rest today, okay?"

"Ah sir, you don't need to. I can take the quiz tomorrow. If I couldn't attend tomorrow, I might be absent and I'll take the quiz on another day. No need to change the scheduled quiz date because of me."

He giggled on my response, "Your assumption is wrong Mia. There is a topic that I haven't read yet that's why I have to move the quiz date."

I hid my face with the palms of my hand from embarrassment. I'm so assuming. Why did I tell that to sir?

"Ah, don't mind me, sir. I'm still a bit dizzy that's why I'm not like my usual self today."

"What are you saying? That's alright. I completely understand."

I nodded my head and changed my focus. I look out of the window the whole trip while listening to some 7AD's songs playing in the background:

Meeting at each other's end

Reaching out for you, take my hand

Fate's been cruel, Or maybe I'm the fool

How could we meet each other?

When my winter makes your spring falter?

From two people of opposite worlds collided

Creates a diversion, their fates undecided

Love that can harm both of their universes

Everything turns into dust, an invisible dispersion

Remember these melting snowflakes

Can't sleep at night, our memories awake

No matter every decision and risk we'll take

We'll only hurt each other, it ended for our sake

Someday. Will we meet? I miss you

Hiding in scenery's bloom and sky blue

Remember me as your winter's spring

Distant stars forming constellations with time

From there, our path starts aligning

The lyrics were somehow familiar. It's my first time hearing it but it feels like I heard these verses a long way back. I don't know anymore. The song made me feel the longing of meeting someone I haven't seen for a long time.

I arrived at the dorms and instantly laid down on my bed and slept


A voice spoke in my unconsciousness, "Promise"


Year 2020

There is an empty dark room with a familiar sweet voice resounding back and forth. Dong-Yul and I were chatting while Jae was practicing his recital piece.

"Why aren't you with your parents again Dong-Yul?," I asked, "There is a parent-teacher conference today. Aren't they looking for you?"

"I just don't feel like it. They won't care if I am not with them. Besides, they favor my stepbrother more."

I hugged him deeply behind his back and whispered into his ear, "You don't deserve to feel left behind. You don't deserve to be discarded. Just know that I'm here for you. And of course, your hyungs will be here for you even after I go overseas."

He turned around and held onto my hands. "When will you leave?"

"I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Will you still come back here in South Korea? Will I ever see you again?"

"I will find a way to come back. It might take months, or maybe years. Someday I'll be back here."

He held out his pinky finger, "Promise me that you will."

My lips curled as I hooked my finger onto his, "Promise. Remember, I haven't break any of my promises."

Jae coughed a bit which broke the atmosphere, "You lovebirds make me cringe. Why am I even here? My presence isn't needed, like a third-wheeler."

I giggled back, "I'll miss your sarcasm too Jae."

"Ehem… Dong-Yul, remember your plan?"

"Ah yes, of course. I've saved the best for last."

I raised my eyebrow, "What does Jae mean Dong-Yul?"

"Mi Ra, please close your eyes for the surprise."


I heard him flick the lights off and plugged something into the outlet.

"You can open your eyes now."

As I opened my eyes, there were words written on a white cartolina which glowed in pink, yellow, and blue hues.

I'll miss you yet you will always remain in my heart.

Then, he started singing as Jae began playing a melody on the keyboard.

Whenever I needed someone, you were there

Deeply grateful for your love and care

Kindness, I never knew how to repay

Now that you're going on your way

Even if you couldn't stay

Give me time to collect all the words and say

That without you I might not last a day

Still, I'll truly let go for you to smile

As distance between us becomes a million miles

I've never thought that he would do something this sweet before my departure. I wish I didn't have to leave him. Yet, this disease is getting worse. It became difficult for me to hide it from him.

"Make sure to reach your dreams there. Even without me."

"Hush, we can still talk through social media. I'm just at the other side of the world with different time zones."

Everything was doing just great until a sudden bang interrupted the romantic atmosphere. We're screwed, our PE teacher caught us.

"My fellow students, don't you know that this room is off-limits? What have you done to this room? Whose idea was this? I'll report this to your parents."

Dong-Yul stepped forward, "Please don't report any of them to their parents. It was my idea, I planned all of this. I'm sorry sir."

Our teacher instantly threw a punch towards him. Blood oozed slowly from the cut on his lips. "I'll make sure that you'll learn your lesson from skipping classes."

Skipping classes?

As our PE teacher was about to throw another punch, Jae suddenly held him onto his collar, "Enough sir."

He pushed Jae back, "I'll also make sure that you'll pay for the consequences of your actions. Disrespect equals punishment."

Dong-Yul, Jae, and I left the room bitterly. Jae and Dong-Yul parted ways as I immediately approached my parents after they'd seen me. I felt guilty. Was it my fault they got into trouble?

End of Flashback

Ever since Jae's expulsion, everyone changed. Nothing has ever been the same.