
"You look like you want to ask me something, you can ask you know, I don't bite"

Arazela and I were presently in a room in the left wing of the mansion. The walk to the room was quite uncomfortable. Well for me that is. The only thing that kept me busy was me staring at the beautiful well crafted designs on the wall of the mansion. It practically screamed i'm made out of pure gold and it was very much believable with Seker being a god and a well known billionaire it was very much possible.

While the god of death said he sealed in something in the mansion I still find it hard to believe that he actually sealed something sinister in here. The mansion looked like something out of a fairy tale. Something bad can't really be locked in here right?

"Seker said you aren't his biological daughter"

"Yes I'm not" she gave me a small smile. She didn't look offended by my straight forwardness.

"How did you come to be his daughter" I blurted it out fast just wanting to get it over with.