Sédere deörsum

Seker's POV:

"So, how do you intolerable swine's feel about kneeling?" I asked the well over hundred demons standing right in front of me.

The commander that was apparently leading the army of demons walked a good distance to me and spat on the ground very close to my shoe. The little shit was lucky that fuckin thing didn't land on my designer shoes. They cost a fortune.

"We only bow to our king and master Lucifer and no one else" he stated proudly.

I smirked "And where is that so called master of yours? Is he hiding like a scared little bitch" I purposely used his same words from earlier just to piss the utter shit out of him, and his reaction certainly didn't disappoint me.

I was well aware that the mansion was now visible and all the demon's could now see it, and I was also well aware that the other's were watching our interaction through the window. 'She' was watching. Might as well put on a great show while I'm at it.