"Okay" I breathed out.
"Time out" I tried to catch my breath.
"Time out" I repeated already lowering my myself to the ground. Right now, the floor was like heaven to me.
From above me I saw Seker giving me an amused smile "We haven't even started Amica mea. That was just like a warm up" I gave him a glare. An intense glare. He had to be kidding me, he just had to be.
"You call what we just did a warm up?" I was currently sweating like I have been in the desert for years without water. But Seker seemed more than perfectly okay, he hadn't even broken a sweat. How was that any fair?
He nodded his head "Very much so yes" I seethed at him.
"Oh don't give me that face Amica mea" he teased "Now get up. We are about to start the main act now" Stupid beautiful specimen of a god.