Warmest greetings

As if confirming to everyone that he was indeed stupid the god of war suddenly said "Don't tell me you already got her knocked up Seker"

At his word's everyone including Seker let out a groan and a sigh of disbelieve. And as if it were already planned everyone spoke their thoughts out at the same time.

"Please tell me you'll were trolling me when you told me he was a god" Rina said half joking and half serious. Although the higher percentage was of her being serious. Her reason for asking this question was because she had always believed that god's all though not all, had an a decent amount of knowledge. And Cyrus, well let's just say he killed all thoughts she had of that.

"I don't believe that someone can get pregnant that quick Cy" Arazela said with a pained expression on her face.

"For the love of..." Randuff didn't even have the strength to finish off his sentence. 'Was it even worth it?' was what he had thought to himself.