Chapter 46 - EX

Naian and Emelinia waited for Light and Sharaina at a Breakfast Inn. Emelinia cringed light headed due to her wicked hangover. She shielded her eyes from the sun with rose colored glasses, quietly sipping on her icy drink as Naian read a newspaper.

Emelinia blushed feeling rather embarrassed because of how she acted last night. She couldn't stop herself from blushing every time she thought about it.

Naian was polite enough not to talk about it but that didn't stop her from wishing that the ground would just open up and swallow her whole. She especially hated the part when she slapped him. It made her feel so stupid.

She stole a look at him when his eyes were on the paper and saw him smile. She smiled at his dimples but when the memory of her telling him that she loved them flashed before her eyes, she faced away immediately in shame. Naian noticed her turn away suddenly and got concerned. He folded the paper and put it away.

"Is everything okay?" he asked her.

"Yes I am just feeling a little light headed that's all." she said without taking her eyes off the ice cubes in her cup.

Sharaina and Light walked into the Breakfast Inn and Naian waved at them. Light sat with Emelinia whereas Sharaina sat with Naian. They all looked at the waitress place food for Naian and Emelinia on their table.

Light ordered coffee for him and Sharaina. The both of them tried not to blush and giggle at the reason why they were having coffee only. After what they did last night, Sharaina couldn't have any solid food for at least two hours after taking the herbal contraceptive.

"What time will your train get here?" Sharaina asked Naian.

"It will be here at three. We couldn't get tickets for the one at twelve." Naian said and drank from his cup.

"Emelinia, how are you doing?" Sharaina teasingly asked Emelinia.

"I'm okay despite my pounding head." Emelinia smiled.

"I couldn't bring this up yesterday because I figured that I would do so today." Naian started and everyone turned their attention to him. Naian waited for the waitress to place the coffee and leave before asking; "Are you two serious or?" he twirled his hand in the air. "My question is; how serious is your relationship?" he asked them.

Naian turned to Light. "You must understand that she is my little sister so I have a responsibility over her. It is for this reason that I have to ask."

Sharaina silently waited for Light's answer. Naian was the type of brother who respected her decisions but could also be over protected should need be.

She knew that he was caught by surprise when he found out that she was in a relationship with Light. She planned on telling him but she wanted to make sure she was sure that things between her and Light were serious before informing anyone in her family.

"I can assure you that I have the best intentions with Sharaina." Light answered.

"So this relationship will lead to marriage in the future?" Naian asked him.

Light looked lovingly at Sharaina and answered. "I'm hoping that she will agree to be my wife one day."

Naian smiled at Light and turned to Sharaina. "Are you happy with him?" he asked her.

"Yes I am." Sharaina blushed. "He keeps me very happy."

"Well I wish you both the best. I'm sure mama will be very happy to hear this. She has been saying that she wants Light as her son in law." Naian and Emelinia chuckled.

"Really?" Light laughed.

"I'm telling you the truth." Naian said in between his giggles.

"Well then, I am honored." Light said with a soft laugh.

Sharaina pulled out a bag and it had envelops in it. She gave it to Emelinia. "These are letters I have written to everyone at home. There are also some photos in them. I trust that you will see to it that everyone gets them." Sharaina said to her.

"You can surely count on me." Emelinia answered confidently. "I'll miss you a lot Sharaina. I am so happy that I got to see you on this trip."

"I'm already missing you Emelinia. Hopefully I will be able to come home in six months. Please don't tell this to mama. I don't want her getting disappointed if I don't." Sharaina sadly said.

"I won't tell her. I'm really hoping that you will come though." Emelinia said and turned to Light. "Will you come too?" she asked him.

"We are usually given the same holidays. I am only hoping that I won't be assigned too much work on Earth." he answered.

A camera man entered the Breakfast Inn and he kept on asking the customers if they wanted their picture taken. Most of them refused while some gave in.

Light signaled the camera man to go to their table. "Why don't we all take a group photo?" he cheerfully asked.

"Yes that's a great idea." Emelinia beamed.

Emelinia took off her glasses and posed for the photo with everyone. The camera man waited for all of them to smile before clicking the camera.


Mayla sat on Liss's bed as she waited for Liss to come out of her bathroom. Liss came out of the bathroom with a wet vini leaf. She had just urinated on it.

Upon seeing Liss, Mayla got up and stared at the leaf in her shaky hand. Liss placed the leaf on her dressing table and the two stared at it. The five minute wait made them both feel suffocated with tension.

When they saw that the leaf didn't change, they let out sighs of relief. Mayla laughed and Liss put her hand on her chest.

"I feel like a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders." Liss threw herself on her bed.

"You're lucky that it didn't turn red. I don't understand how you were so dumb enough to forget to drink the herbal juice." Mayla held her hips and smirked at Liss.

"I was so upset with Nelex leaving that I forgot." Liss answered with a whine. "I'll have to go to the hospital tomorrow. I want to know the cause behind my restless feelings and fatigue. I am so happy that it isn't pregnancy. My mother would have killed me." Liss sighed.

"Why would I kill you?" Liss's mother, Farali, suddenly entered into the room.

Farali had silver curly hair and her skin was pale like Liss's. Being a fourth darkas god, she bared no mark. She was a curvy and chubby woman. She looked suspiciously at Liss with her arms folded.

"Aren't you going to answer my question?" Farali asked Liss.

Liss was feeling so tensed that her mother showed up all of a sudden. She shot a quick look at the leaf on the dressing table and hoped that Farali wouldn't see it. She felt so relieved when Mayla walked over to the dressing table and stood in front of it in order to block Farali's view.

"You haven't broken any property again have you?" she asked Liss again. "I had to pay a lot of money in hospital bills because of that restaurant owner you hurt all because of your stupid boyfriend. I also had to replace the broken furniture you destroyed in your fit." Farali glared at Liss. "Paying for damages with the money I make from my farm is unacceptable. If I have to spend more money because of your recklessness, I will cut off your allowances until you pay back the debt."

"Mama, I haven't done anything of that sort." Liss smiled at her mother. "I assure you that all is well."

"The last time you said that, I had to pay for the construction of a building you set on fire." Farali raised her eyebrow.

Liss chuckled. "Mama why are we bringing up the past huh? Remember you punished me for that already."

Farali narrowed her eyes at Liss. "I am warning you Liss, if I have to spend more money because of your shenanigans you will be sorry."

"I understand mama." Liss nodded her head.

"How are you doing Mayla?" Farali turned to Mayla.

Mayla cleared her throat. "I am doing fine ma. Thank you for letting me stay here."

"Don't mention it dear. I'm happy to accommodate you while your parents are on Earth." Farali said and turned to Liss. "Tamithra will be here a few hours from now. As you know, she recently got divorced so she will be staying with us for a while until she recovers from her disappointment. Be nice to her when she gets here."

Tamithra was a close cousin of Liss. She was the daughter of Farali's younger sister. She used to live with Liss and Farali before she got married years ago.


Tamithra stepped out of a train with a big smile on her face. She twirled around with her suitcases and breathed in the fresh air of Gemhules.

Her short silver hair was barely blown by the wind. Her freckles could be seen on her cheeks as she smiled brightly at everyone who walked by her. She was so happy to be back in Gemhules.

She quickly hired a carriage and smiled at the buildings as it rode. When it went passed Sharumez and Naian's workshop, her heart skipped a beat. Her eyes searched for Naian and when she saw him talking to someone outside the shop, she smiled lovingly at him. She hadn't seen him in years.

She almost stopped the wagon rider but she hesitated to get out when she remembered what happened between them. Tamithra frowned and leaned back on her seat.


"Tamithra, what is this? What are you saying?" Naian asked her with so much pain in his voice.

Tamithra was unfazed by the hurt in his eyes. "I don't want to be with you anymore Naian." she uttered in disgust.

"What did I do wrong? Tell me so that I fix it." Naian begged.

Tamithra flashed her diamond ring in his face. "I am getting married to a man who can give me the world."

"Oh so that's what this is all about. I should have known. This explains the expensive gifts you have been receiving." Naian remarked in defeat.

"I love him." she said with seriousness.

Naian faced away from her and ran his fingers in his hair. He covered his mouth as he thought deeply. He looked back at Tamithra and saw how uncaring she was that he was hurting.

"I wish you all the best, Tamithra." he told her and watched her walk away with a frown.


"Go back to the Sharumez and Son workshop." Tamithra ordered the carriage rider.

Within minutes she was back at the market. She took a deep breath before stepping out of the carriage. Naian wasn't outside anymore so she wondered if he had gone back inside. Tamithra braced herself and walked into the shop. She immediately caught Janala's attention.

"Welcome customer! My name is Janala, how may I assist you?" Janala asked her.

"Well um, I am looking for Naian. Is he here?" she asked Janala.

Janala turned away and yelled. "Boss Naian! A lady is here looking for you!" she said and walked away.

Naian came out of the office and he was completely shocked to see Tamithra. She walked awkwardly to him with a shy smile. Naian wasn't sure of whether to smile back at her or not so he just stared at her as she drew closer. When she was close enough she looked into Naian's eyes.

Janala raised her eyebrow at them. She could feel the tension between the two and she grinned mischievously. She pulled a chair and sat on it with her legs crossed.

"Let's see what drama will unfold today." she said to herself.