Light and Sharaina giggled at each other in a restaurant. Light decided to take her out to dinner before escorting her back to her dorm. He feared that cooking dinner was going to take longer and Sharaina was going to get locked in. The two of them chuckled and held each other's hands as they waited for their order.
The two of them were so engrossed in their conversation that they did not see Velan and Nami looking right at them from a table that wasn't so far away from them. Nami was glaring at Sharaina while Velan silently ate his food.
"I can't believe that you have failed to talk some sense into your son." Nami scolded Velan. "I will just have to do something about this."
"No you will not." Velan said and Nami looked at him astonished. "I haven't seen Light that happy with anyone before. If Sharaina makes him happy, I will not stand in his way of happiness."
"Are you insane?" Nami asked him surprised.