Tinta covered herself in a cloak and left the house before Mbesu woke up. She hastily walked out of the compound with a wide smile on her face. Earlier, she was happy to see Senza leave for the evil forest. When she saw Dingii ride out as well, her new plan unfolded, and she just couldn't wait to execute it.
Because it was still early in the morning, there was no one in the streets except for a few traders who didn't recognize her under her cloak. It was only when Tinta finally got to the gates of the royal palace did she get attention from the two brutish looking guards in red wrappers from the waist down.
'Who are you?' one of the armed guards asked her and stomped his spear in the ground.
Tinta took off her cloak and kept her eyes low, 'I am Tinta, wife to Mbesu and daughter of Udi.' she calmly answered.
'Why are you here so early in the morning?'
'I seek the presence of the King.'
The guards glanced at each other and the one speaking to her crossed his arms, 'The king sees no one at this time.'
Tinta put her hands together and lowered her head, 'Please, it is a matter of life and death. Treason has been committed and as a subject of Maviki, it is my responsibility to report it. You must let me see the king.'
The guard raised his brow and flashed a tensed look at his partner who nodded back at him. They both opened the gate but only one of them escorted Tinta into the palace. He took her all the way to the throne room and left her in the company of five other guards.
They did not look in her direction but kept their stern and alert eyes forward. Tinta couldn't bring herself to glance at their hard chests and strong arms. The oil on their abs further highlighted their amazing physique. Unlike the two guards at the gate, these wore green wrappers from the waist down.
Tinta got down on her knees and waited patiently for King Daniminga to come. His throne was covered in Lion skin and the carpet below was made out of a Tiger skin that still had its head attached to it. Surrounded the throne were wooden chairs only men occupied whenever they sought the king's presence.
The door opened and Tinta's heart skipped a beat. King Daniminga walked in boldly as always. He wasn't wearing his crown, and he was in his white bedtime robes. Tinta bowed down as he took his seat on his throne. More guards wearing green wrappers walked in as well. They spread out across the room and Tinta swallowed hard at their presence.
'You have disturbed my slumber, woman. No one would be brave enough to do this unless they have a death wish.' the king boldly spoke and nodded his head a guard who unsheathed his sword and brought it to Tinta's chin. 'Speak,' Daniminga commanded.
'Your majesty, great and all powerful king of Maviki. May you live forever.' Tinta showered her praises and swallowed at her beating heart, 'I am here to report treason against you and our land, my king.'
'Go on,'
'My stepsons, Senza and Dingii have gone to the evil forest to visit Eclipse and her bastard child.'
'What nonsense, Eclipse is dead. There is no way she would have survived alone in the evil forest for all these years. No man can so what more a woman?' King Daniminga waved his ringed hand dismissively at Tinta.
'Please, I speak the truth, your majesty. They have been secretly talking about their meetings with her and how they want to bring her back here along with that child.'
'Does Mbesu know about this?'
'No, your majesty. He doesn't kn-'
'Enough!' King Daniminga glanced at the guard, 'Flog her publicly for wasting my time. A 20 lashes should do. After that, fine Mbesu 10 cows for failing to control her.' he ordered and Tinta's face paled.
'No, my king!' she shrieked as the guard yanked her off the floor, 'You must believe me!'
The guard dragged her out, and she struggled to free herself. Tinta scratched the guard's hand and he hissed. She ran back to the king and got hold on his feet. This time around, she looked into his eyes, and he raised his brow at her. Several swords pointed at her head.
'Eclipse has been able to survive this long because of her lover from Elionis. He has been taking care of her and their child. He is an army general, and they have been plotting a war against us. Senza and Dingii are their spies. My husband doesn't know of this. I decided to come and tell you in secret in fear that he would kill me for accusing his sons.'
King Daniminga widened his eyes at Tinta, 'Woman, what are you saying?'
'I wouldn't have risked my life if this was a lie, your majesty. Come to my home and you will see that none of them are there. Follow them to the evil forest and you will see that I am speaking the truth.'
King Daniminga got off his throne and paced around the room. His demeanor changed for the worst with every passing second. He faced up to the wall containing pictures of all the past kings. When his eyes fell on his father, he gritted his teeth.
Tinta lowered her head and smiled deviously. King Daniminga's reaction was what she was hoping for. Dingii and Senza were finished now and there was nothing to save them from ruin.
'I want two hundred men to go after those traitors.' Daniminga darkly ordered, 'Bring them to me alive but as for Eclipse, I want her head.'
Dingii and Senza rode quietly through the forest for hours. The sun was setting, and they were close to the evil forest. So close that they could see it from where they stood. They got off and decided to set camp outside the forest for they would have been damned to go in there when its night. As Dingii set up the tent, Senza poured a circle of salt around it and the tied up horses.
'This should keep any evil spirits that will leave the evil forest away from us.' Senza announced and raised his eyebrows at Dingii's scoff, 'Got something on your mind?'
'Not really, the salt will be enough quite all right but it won't do anything against Tigers or Jaguars.' Dingii expressed his argument.
'That's why we will take turns in sleeping.' Senza added and closed up the bag of salt.
'Great, you'll be on guard first. I barely slept last night.' Dingii waved his brows at Senza who groaned in response, 'Hey, it's what men do.' Dingii laughed.
'Those are thoughts I don't wish to imagine of you.' Senza threw himself of the ground and sighed.
'Spoken like a virgin.' Dingii chuckled to himself and hammered a pin to the tent.
'Like you weren't one a few hours ago.' Senza snarled and threw a pebble at Dingii who only laughed harder.
'Don't be so feisty. Your time will come.' Dingii teased and got no response.
Senza maintained his silence as he watched him work. As soon as Dingii was done, he piled up the wood they had picked up earlier. He glanced at Senza who seemed so lost in thought and picked up two dry stones. Dingii scratched the stones together and a flame came to life. He added more wood and covered the flame with his hand.
'Do you think mother will recognize us?' Senza voiced out his thoughts.
'I think she will. I happen to resemble her.' Dingii smiled at Senza and his face lit up, 'Unlike you who looks like a baboon.' he added and Senza burst out laughing.
Morning came and soon, the brothers were back on their quest. They entered the evil forest with their swords drawn. Their horses whined and it was challenging to calm them down. They knew as well, maybe even more, that death loomed in the forest.
The eerie silence only worsened the situation for them because they were forced to expect anything from any direction. The brothers rode for hours and so far no harm came their way. The sound of Dingii sneezing startled Senza and the horses. Senza's horse stood on its back legs and kicked the front ones in the air.
'Easy boy!' Senza comforted it.
'I'm just so allergic to potatoes that the scent of them is enough to get me sneezing.' Dingii said remorsefully with a sniffle.
Senza gasped, 'Potatoes?' he sniffed the air, 'Boiled potatoes?'
Senza tore open his bag and pulled out two green leaves. He gave one to Dingii and pinned the remaining one between his lips and closed his eyes. Dingii did the same. The ripping sound of a bark followed and scared the living daylights of the horses.
The growling got closer and the hearts of the brothers thumped hard. Senza petted his horse and squeezed the leaf. The fierce barking, however, made it difficult for the horses to stay calm. Dingii's horse took off and Dingii opened his eyes. He looked back at Senza and color left his face when the gigantic black wolf beside Senza set its red eyes on him.
Dingii screamed and the leaf fell out of his mouth. Upon seeing it falling to the ground, the wolf charged at him. The wolf bashed its head on the horse and Dingii was sent flying into the air. He landed hard on the ground only for blood to splash all over him. Dingii shouted at his horse being ripped apart.
Senza rode after him fast with his sword high. Dingii couldn't get his eyes off the wolf slowly approaching him. It foamed in its mouth and growled furiously at him. Dingii dragged himself backwards the closer it got.
The wolf lunged at Dingii, and he shielded his face screaming. Senza shouted after him in anguish. He was still too far away to help Dingii. Just then, something fast flashed past Senza and headed straight for the demonic wolf. The wolf was snatched away from Dingii and tossed up in the air.
What followed next was a red sword plunging into it whilst it was still in the air. The wolf fell down hard to the ground and whimpered its last breath. Dingii shakily looked at the white hand pulling the sword out of the wolf.
His eyes trialed up at a woman whose face was hiding behind her maroon cloak. Her golden hair danced in the wind. She turned her head at the sound of Senza's horse getting close. The strange woman lunged up in the air and disappeared into the trees.
Senza jumped off his horse and rushed to Dingii's aid, 'Who was that?' he asked with his eyes wide.
'I don't know.' Dingii huffed and both brothers studied the sheer fear in their eyes.