The darkas god charged at Breenis and brought down her sword. Breenis blocked her attack with her tail. Sparks flew when the blade slid down the tough scales.
Breenis whipped the darkas god away who skidded to a halt and maintained her battle stance. Breenis sprung up in the air and came down as a half woman, half snake.
Eclipse, Martina and the guys watched in horror as the two went at it—slashing at each other. The darkas god blocked Breenis's razor sharp claws with her sword. She then kicked Breenis hard to the ground.
Breenis glared at the darkas god through her hair. Blood poured out of her nose, and she hastily wiped it off.
'Breenis!' Martina screamed after her.
'Stay away, girl!' Breenis got up with a cough and charged at the darkas god.
Breenis fought with everything she had in her but it was clear that the darkas god was faster and stronger. It hurt Martina so much to see Breenis hurt. Not once did she ever see Breenis vulnerable. She was always strong and bold in her eyes no matter what.
Martina's thoughts were cut short when Breenis was sent crushing into trees. She ran after her to the dismay of Eclipse who immediately followed her.
'Mother!' Senza shouted after Eclipse.
'I'm going after her!' Dingii ran out as well.
Senza took a step forward but groaned at his soreness. He gritted his teeth and limped out of the cave. Martina found Breenis's tail sticking out of a pile of fallen trees. She climbed on top of them and took out what she could. Eclipse was calling her desperately as she ran to her but Martina paid her no attention. When she finally saw Breenis's bloodied face, she let out a cry.
'Why have you disobeyed me?' Breenis sternly asked her.
'You know I can't abandon you, Breenis.' Martina sobbed.
Eclipse finally arrived and Dingii joined her almost immediately. Together they looked on at Martina crying on top of Breenis who was still buried underneath trees.
Dingii looked over his shoulder and widened his eyes at the darkas god approaching. He pulled Eclipse out of the way.
Breenis scoffed at the sky upon sensing the presence of the darkas god. She then smiled at Martina who was still crying.
'Get off me and run, child. This is the end for me.'
'No, it is not the end. I have seen you defeat scarier things than her. You can defeat her.'
Breenis forced herself up and made her way out of the trees. She picked Martina up and gave her a hug. Eclipse's tears fell when Martina hugged Breenis back.
'There are things that you do not know but one day you will.' Breenis softly said to Martina as she stroked her hair. 'You will also understand why I am doing this.'
Breenis threw Martina into Dingii's arms and the darkas god immediately charged at her again. Dingii and Eclipse ran away fast whilst Martina cried after Breenis over Dingii's shoulder.
The ground shook beneath them and trees fell down from all directions. Dingii and Eclipse got into the open and saw Senza from afar. They ran to him in a rush.
A shadow suddenly appeared above them. They faced up to see Breenis in the form of a giant serpent falling down at them.
Eclipse tripped over a rock and fell. Dingii halt and got hold of her hand. He was pulling her up when Breenis landed with an earthquaking thud that brought forth a large cloud of dust. The dust barely cleared when Dingii saw Eclipse covered in her own blood face down.
'Mother!' he exclaimed in anguish.
Dingii pulled Eclipse's arm only for half her body to follow. Dingii's world blackened. He let go of her hand and froze in a daze.
His mother, their mother was gone hours after seeing her again. Breenis hissed and Dingii blinked, he cut and ran with tears in his eyes.
As he ran, Martina saw the clear view of Eclipse's remains. She covered her mouth shocked. Martina couldn't take her eyes off Eclipse until the ongoing brawl created more blinding dust.
Martina hit Dingii's back, but he didn't stop running. She then sank her teeth into his flesh, and he loosened his hold on her. Martina jumped off him and ran back. Dingii ran after her but a bolder narrowly hit him and blocked his path.
Martina ran through the dust. It did not scare her anymore that Breenis' tail whipped the place all over. The flying trees and rocks did not turn her blood cold either. She just wanted to see Eclipse.
By the time Martina got to Breenis, the darkas god was pinned on the ground but her swords were plunged deep into Breenis' opened jaws. Martina barely blinked her wide teary eyes at the blood gushing down the hands of the darkas god.
The darkas god kicked Breenis' throat, and she fell to the side. She shrunk in size and took the form of an ebony skinned woman. Her original form when she was mortal.
'I can't believe that it's finally over and I can rest now.' Breenis weakly said to the darkas god and coughed. Facing up at her, she asked, 'May I at least know the name of the darkas god who has defeated me?'
The darkas god took off the hood of her cloak and her beautiful face was exposed. 'Sharaina Sharumez is my name.' she replied.
Breenis coughed out a lot of blood and Martina cried at the sight. She ran to Breenis and knelt down beside her.
'Do not cry for me, Martina for this was my fate.'
'No, this can't be happening. How I'm I to keep on living now?' Martina sobbed.
'You will be just fine.' Breenis lips parted and her eyes stayed open.
Sharaina's swords disappeared, and she looked down at Martina who was crying uncontrollably by Breenis's body. Sharaina traced a finger in the air into a complete circle and a portal appeared. She took one last look at Martina and got into it. The portal closed with lightening bolts flashing all over.
Dingii and Senza stood away—watching Martina cry. Dingii nodded at Senza and took a step forward only to halt at the sight of Maviki warriors bursting out of the woods.
They surrounded Martina in no time. Dingii pulled Senza away before they were spotted. He forcefully covered Senza's mouth as they hid behind a tree.
Martina looked around her confused by the men surrounding her. She held her heart afraid as they growled at her. The men cleared a path and a huge one came into Martina's view.
'I don't know what happened here but it's clear to us that your people have abandoned you. I would kill you right now but you are worth more alive than dead to our king.' he pompously said, 'Tie her up!'