Deep in the night, a candle danced in the wind. Lying on a bed of petals was King Daniminga. In his hand was a golden cup and in it was his favorite wine. His attentive gaze was on his queen who sat playing a harp in only her silk nightdress.
Her melody was sweet and enchanting. The strings produced their relaxing notes to the will Senedi's ringed soft and slender fingers. She had her eyes closed to the rhythm but Daniminga refused to take his eyes off her.
Deep in thought, he barely sipped from his cup. His icy gaze did not even warm up to the beautiful music filling up the room. With a grunt, he angrily tossed the cup to the floor. Senedi shot her eyes open startled.
She dropped her brows inquisitively as she studied the King's hardened expression. 'Does my music not please you, my king?' she humbly asked.