Party Time

Alina's POV

We reached the pack house and immediately began getting ready for the party in a hastened flurry. We decided to dress up in Thea's room to save time instead of my house since we were already at the pack house. Rushed into Thea's room, she called dibs on showering first. As soon as we all freshened up, we looked through the dresses my mum bought for us so we could find ones we liked and didn’t mind ruining, taking into consideration what we had planned for the night.

After trying on a few I finally found the perfect one. It was a deep royal blue one-shoulder dress that reached mid-thigh with silver swirls around the waist leading up to a black lace pattern on the top. It wasn't too girly; it gave me an edgy look and perfect for making a run for it as it wasn’t body hugging. I matched it with a pair of black converse to finish the look.

Riley's dress that reached mid-thigh was violet with splashes of bright colours. You would think it would look weird but it actually has a funky look; suits her personality. Thea chose a flowy, blood red dress that reached just above her knees and it hugged her hour-glass figure at the top beautifully. It was simple yet elegant - just like Thea. She paired it with her simple black flats.

Upon finishing their makeup, they literally held me hostage as they began their assault on my face. I'm perfectly happy without makeup but guess what? They don't give me a choice. When they’re finally happy with the result they take me to the long length mirror and show me their 'masterpiece'.

We all stood admiring each other's looks we went for tonight and handiwork for a few moments. "I must say, we look damn fine tonight ladies," Riley giggles. "Couldn't agree with you more, the boys won't know what hit them," Thea grinned in response. "Come on, it's time to party! Knock 'em dead girls." I winked and formed a group hug.

We burst through the door in excitement only to slam straight into Jason, who was waiting outside the room for us, and knocked him over. "See, what did I tell you guys? We already knocked this one off his feet. We have that effect on people," I joke, helping Jase up and giving him a once over, "You clean up good bro," I complimented. "As do you ladies," he winks and wraps his arms around our shoulders.

We descend down the stairs together, talking quietly, but we’re instantly broken apart by my overly-excited mother who snatched me into a bone crushing hug, "Ali you look so beautiful and grown up! As do you girls and Jason" She gushed with teary eyes. Dad comes up behind her and holds both of us close, "Yes she is. Our princess is not so little anymore."

"No matter how old I get I'll always be your princess," I reassure my mother and she smiles, wiping her eyes, "That’s enough of this emotional funny business, you're spoiling my makeup!" Dad and I stifle our laughs as she darts off to get the cake ready and tells me to 'mingle'.

I stand talking to my friends and a few other people when I feel arms snake around my waist, pulling me close and I don't have to turn around to know it's Xavier by the delightful shiver that courses through my body at his touch. He leans his head on my shoulder, "Hey beautiful, you look absolutely ravishing tonight."

I turn around in his hold and wrap my arms around his neck, "why thank you kind sir. I had hopes of catching the eyes of a certain someone tonight. Seems like it worked." I smile softly. I take in the glory that is my sexy mate for a bit too long and he catches me checking him out, "See anything you like sweetheart?" he grins devilishly. "Nah, I've seen better," I respond pretending to be unbothered and stifle a laugh as the grin turns into a scowl and he growls softly pulling me tighter against him, "You are mine and only mine. Nobody is allowed to even think about you the way I do, touch you the way I do or make you feel the way I do. That's solely my privilege as your mate. Remember that," He nuzzles my neck, " I've waited a long time for you Alina, and now that I have you, I'm not planning on ever letting you go."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I peck his cheek to let him know I was only messing with him. I spotted my mother over his shoulder squealing in delight as she watched the scene unfold between us, pulling in my father's arm in excitement, and I buried my head in Xavier’s shoulder and laughed as my father tried to shake off her death-grip.

She gestures for me to come as the cake arrives and we break apart as everyone gathers around the cake and starts singing happy birthday for me. Xavier comes up behind me and holds onto my waist, "Make a wish love." I close my eyes and blow out the candles, thanking the Moon Goddess for blessing me instead. Cheers ring out as I cut a piece of the cake and Xavier takes it from me, feeding me the first bite, followed by my parents and friends.