On the Hunt

Alina's POV

I walk out of the politics lecture hall having a discussion with the exchange student Jordan. I’ve seen him around a few times but we never really spoke until he came up to me today to chat about the final assignment the lecturer had given us today.

As I turn down the hall in the direction of my locker he quickly says his goodbyes and heads in the opposite direction mid-conversation after exchanging numbers. I think nothing of it since the next period just began and he’s probably running late much like a few other students milling around.

Expecting to see my sexy mate leaning against my locker as he usually is, I'm surprised and a little disappointed because he’s nowhere in sight, which is a little strange. I open my locker to pack up for the day when a little purple envelope attached to a rose falls to my feet.

My face breaks out into a huge smile as his scent washes over me. That sneaky devil.

Hey love.

Up for a treasure hunt? Follow the clues to find me.

Since it's the first one I'll make it easy for you:

'A place where sweet melodies are made and delightful instruments are played.'

Ps. Take the girls with you.

Love X

"Sup Ali," Thea and the guys come up behind me, causing me to look up. Jason pulls the card out of my hand, "What do we have here? Oh it's a note from lover boy." He reads it out aloud. "Thea, you're the smart one, what does it mean?” he asks, confusion clear on his face.

"It's a riddle dumbass!" I smack him upside the head, "and he wants me to go to the music studio. Come on," I explain to the genius and start leading the way.

We reach the studio and hear someone singing inside.

I open the door to find Aiden holding his phone up, playing a voice note: "Beautiful girls, all over the world, I could be chasing but my time would be wasted. They got nothing on you baby.” Bruno Mars’s voice singing Nothing On You fills the room as Aiden hands me another purple card.

We’ve had lots of childish squabbles over the sandpit and pointless arguments at this place

Those sweet little memories will forever be in my heart but time is ticking, I’m waiting for your embrace.

Ps. You’ll have to search a little for the next clue, it won’t be handed to you so easily.

Love X.

"It's the playground, I remember those arguments." Riley chuckles. Thea smiles shyly at Aiden who’s currently grinning at her like a fool.

"Let's go! Chop, chop!" I swear Jason is more excited about this than I am, or the girls for that matter. I roll my eyes at his silly behavior. We head outside leaving Aiden where we found him.

We walk to the playground but see no one in sight. “Maybe this is what he meant when he said we have to search for it.” Riley shrugs and we start looking around. Xavier certainly planned this thoroughly. He always liked things to go his way. After all he is an Alpha.

"Here it is!" Thea hollers and hands me the card that was stuck on one of the trees by the swings.

'Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you and all the things you do. They were all yellow.

I swam across. I jumped across for you. Oh what a thing to do. And you were all yellow. ‘- Yellow, Coldplay.

It reflects thousands of stars and the moon at night. It's surrounded by your favorites. A beautiful site, but my eyes are set on the most beautiful of all - you. The most beautiful indeed.

Love X. "

"My favorite place. How did he know." I whisper.

"Looks like he's noticed more than he's let on all these years." Thea smiles softly. Always the wise one.

We transform into our wolves within the forest and trot to the lake. Rhia has been begging for a run all day so we take our time and enjoy the warmth of the sun as we walk amongst the trees.

I shift back and hastily put my clothes on, immediately starting the search for the next little envelope. I spot it on the huge rock I sit on when I come here at night to gaze at the stars.

I love you Alina. With all my heart. Go back home to your room. Your final clue awaits.

️ Love X.

My breath hitches at his confession.

I change back to my wolf and we head back to school to pick up the cars. We raced home, ran into the house and burst through my bedroom door.

There on the bed lies three beautiful silk summer dresses, cards on each of them with each of our names written in delicate cursive handwriting.

My name card is placed on the pretty, soft purple one. Riley's is on the baby blue one and Thea's is on the breathtaking aqua-teal colored dress. Our favorite colors.

"Oh my gosh!!" Riley was the first to break the silence. Thea has a look of pure adoration in her eyes. "They're incredible. Look, there's another purple note." Thea hands it to me and I read it out aloud:

Be ready by 6pm. We'll be waiting to see you girls in those dresses.

Ps. Kick Jason out the room before you girls get dressed. Or else he’s dead meat.

Love Xavier, Alex and Aiden.

"It's already 4pm. We spent the whole day running around playing the boys' game. Time flew out the window." Riley looks at the time on her watch and turns to Jason, "Well the note said it all buddy. Unless you want to deal with three very angry mates I suggest you get your ass out the room bro."

Jason raises his hands in surrender, slides out the room and shuts the door. No doubt going to order pizza. That boy eats like a pig.

We spend the rest of our time getting ready for our date. By 5:45pm we were done and dusted so we headed down to the living room to find Jason lounging on the couch watching Dr. Who and munching on pizza. A classic.

"You girls look amazing. They really are a bunch of lucky bastards," Jase smiles lovingly at us and gives us a soft kiss on each of our cheeks." Come give your loner of a brother a hug." he opens his arms and grabs us in a group hug causing Riley to squeal since she got caught in the middle.

We didn't have to wait long to hear the doorbell ring. We shuffle to the door and open it with anticipation for what's on the other side.