Quarantine time

Alina’s POV

The chirping of birds rose me from my deep slumber. I open my eyes and look around the unfamiliar place as I rise up from the cold hard ground. Where am I?

I hear a strong voice calling out to me and I turn around frantically, looking for the source. I walked forward slowly to see my wolf Rhia standing in front of me but she looked different. She looked larger than normal and she had red markings on her forehead and on her coat. My eyes widened in adoration, taking in the sight as I reached out to touch her but stopped short when I noticed an unknown woman standing beside her.

She was wearing a one shouldered, silky white dress which faded into baby blue at the bottom. She looked ethereal, nothing like I've seen before. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Welcome my dear. I'm so happy I finally have the chance to talk to you." Her melodious voice called out to me.

"Who are you? What am I doing here? Why does Rhia look like that? What's happening?" I question in a rush, my voice laced with slight panic and confusion.

"Don't not worry child. No one can harm you here." She steps towards me with a reassuring, motherly smile. "My name is Juliana Serena Celene Wiltfang but I suppose you better know me as the Moon Goddess," She inclines her head in greeting.

My eyes widened in shock and my knees gave out from under me, making me fall forward onto my knees before her. My words escaped me completely.

"I understand this must seem a surprise to you child but do not fear me. We don’t have much time; you must listen to me" She said seriously and all I could do was nod and listen closely.

"There was a time, many years ago, in which all supernatural creatures lived together in harmony. Werecreatures, vampires, fae and elves were united and lived peacefully. But they became greedy as time passed. Greedy for power which was not theirs to have and waged wars on each other, causing bloodshed and despair. Overcome by my rage and sorrow I sought out to punish them, thus the Vipers were born, creatures of darkness and death, stronger than all others before and without fear. And although it pained me, I abandoned them to their doom. Years later I realized perhaps I was too harsh in dealing out my judgement. They are my creations and I love them as my own, it would crush me if I were to end them without giving them a second chance. So I allowed them that second chance at restoring the balance and uniting the supernatural once more. I did it by creating two souls, good and pure of heart. They would be born into the world when the time was right and shall possess gifts that make them unlike any other. Their fate was sealed, to guide my children into prosperity once more. And so the prophecy was foretold,” she speaks of an ancient prophecy known by all.

"But what does this have to do with me?" I ask.

"My dear child, it has everything to do with you. You are the one the prophecy speaks of. You and your other half, Xavier. Now that you have found each other and will soon bear each other's mark, destiny will play its hand. Where there is pureness, darkness awakens from its deep slumber seeking to destroy it. The Vipers will rise again, and I’m afraid I cannot control them as they were born out of my anger." Her words leave me speechless once more.

"Our time here is at its end. You must return and use what I have told you wisely. Goodbye my child." She brushes Rhia’s coat and my sight fades away.

I woke up startled, sweating and panting, trying to sit up in his bed but an arm was holding me down. Xavier stirred at my movements and held me close.

"Babe what's wrong?" he asks groggily. I take a deep breath and hold onto him.

"No nothing hun, just a dream." I sigh, wanting to keep it to myself for a few moments so that I could grasp at the bomb the Goddess just dropped on me.

I blush when I realize that we're both in naked in the sheets as I feel every inch of his skin pressed tightly to mine.

"Thinking about last night love?" Xavier says with a smirk as he places kisses along my neck, right where his mark would be placed. As he reaches a particularly sensitive spot I let out an involuntary moan as a pleasurable shiver courses through my body, melting into his arms.

"You drive me crazy, you know that?" He mumbles, rolling on top of me, and invades my mouth with his skillful tongue in a searing kiss. His next words cut through the hazy pleasure and I hear him clear as day. "Alina, would you give me the utmost pleasure of making you mine? Will you bear my mark?" he asks, looking into my eyes and staring at my soul.

"Yes." I whisper breathlessly and Rhia howls with joy at the prospect of finally becoming one with her mate.

As soon as my answer left my lips, he pressed searing little kisses around that tender spot, and he sunk his extended canines into my skin. I gasp at the intense pain of the bite but turn into a moaning mess at the rush of pleasure that follows and my canines extend involuntarily and Rhia takes over for a split second but that’s all it takes as she sinks them into his neck, leaving our permanent mark. He pulls out his canines gently and laps at his mark to seal it, gazing at it with great satisfaction.

"You're absolutely beautiful. And you’re all mine, as I am yours." He caresses my cheek and looks down at me adoringly. I flush uncontrollably and hide my head in his shoulder as he falls back onto the bed laughing softly, pulling me onto his chest and holding me close.

"Thank you for last night. It was absolutely incredible." I whisper and tilt my head up so he can see my eyes. It was such an intimate moment, bearing our souls to each other through our eyes...and then my stomach decides to ruin it by letting out a loud growl.

Xavier chuckles, "Looks like someone is hungry." I agree wholeheartedly, wishing for a grilled cheese sandwich.

“Well let's go downstairs and make a few.” He responds. It takes a few seconds for me to realize I never said that out aloud. What the-?

'We are fully mated now so I can hear all your thoughts babe, and you mine,' his voice speaks out in my mind as he gets out of the bed in all his naked glory.

"Have you no shame?" I question with my eyes glued to his body, nevertheless.

"That wasn't what you were screaming last night." He throws a smirk over his shoulder. I grumble under my breath while heading into his bathroom and a few moments later Xavier joins me in the shower, making excuses about saving water. After we got done an hour later due to some extracurricular activities, I slip on a pair of shorts and Xavier's large shirt and walk downstairs into the pack kitchen.

"Morning guys." I greet with a yawn. The few male wolves milling around in the Blood Moon pack kitchen turn to greet me but their eyes turn yellow as their wolves fight for control, trying to come forward.

"What the hell?" I shout as they try to grab me just as Thea and Riley walk in and their eyes turn to them as well.

Our mates come in growling after hearing the commotion and stand in front of us as Xavier commands them to get out and has the wolves running out of the house before we could say cheesecake.

I turn to Xavier to ask him if he had any idea as to what the hell just happened but I feel my eyes darken in lust as I saunter towards him, with one thought on my mind. I can see he's fighting to control himself and Rhys so I latch onto him, hugging him to my body and trail kisses on his lower jaw and my mark. "Thanks babe." I sultrily whisper into his ear.

It's like I have no control over myself and all I can think about is quenching my thirst for Xavier. I need him so much it hurts. He growls and lets me go, taking a few steps away shaking his head to clear his thoughts, “Ali, you’re going into heat.”


Xavier’s POV

I'm fighting to keep Rhys under control because all he wants to do it mate with her. Alina is driving me crazy with her scent. I just want to take her here and now.

"Alpha, with all due respect, you had better go lock her up somewhere because she isn't going to stop being like this until you give her what she wants which is you. And I don’t think you guys are ready to be making babies anytime soon, judging by that fresh mark on the Luna’s neck." An elder pack member advises as she walks into the kitchen surveying the scene, having been through this herself.

"Well damn!" Alex curses as Riley latches onto him. I look over at Aiden to see him trying to hold Thea back by her head. I pick Alina up and run into our bedroom.

"Xavier, my strong, sexy, Greek god of a mate." She purrs and pushes me onto the bed as soon as I let her go, straddling my lap as she reaches to rip off my shirt.

I grab her hands to push her off and shove her into the open walk-in closet behind her, locking the door. I jamb the handle with my solid wooden desk chair for good measure and let out a sigh of relief. Rhys is still fighting for control so I leave the room just to be safe.

I head back down, into the lounge and find the guys on the verge of passing out, on the couch.

"Heat is really going to take a toll on me man," Aiden lays back and groans in pain, adjusting his shorts.

"And it's so hard to resist them." Alex whimpers in agreement.

"I had to lock Thea in the bathroom." Aiden deadpans and puts his face in his hands.

"I had to tie Riley to the bed with handcuffs." Alex huffs, “Please don’t ask why I have them.” He says to Aiden exhaustively as he watched as he shut his mouth, refraining himself from asking that very question.

"I kind of locked Lina in the closet." I said sheepishly and dropped down onto the couch next to them with a huff.

We all look at each other and burst out laughing but then realize we were going to have to let them out in a few hours and will have the aftermath to deal with. We sat there soberly and in complete silence, staring mindlessly at the football game displayed on the television, dreading the moment we let them loose.