Humor Of The Hour

Pain? There are many ways to define it. Each person bears a different definition. So many opinions, so many notions. But at the end of the day, we all come to the same conclusion. Pain, changes everyone who's had a taste of it for better or worse. No doubt about it. To grow in conscience, you need to hurt. And to hurt, you need to explore yourself by exploring the world. That is the requisite for knowing more of oneself. Even so, what if one day pain comes knocking at your door in all shapes and sizes of your fears you never could fathom you had? In a way, that is exactly what happened to me. But there was this kind of pain along with them, that kind of pain which made your heart ache for one person, you know unimaginable forms of chaos would take no time in seeping in your life as you keep giving that soul more and more of yours. Everything becomes nugatory. Like a foolish moth drawn to flame as if it's the most beautiful thing in the world, only to burn till ashes remain.