Recording from ULTRASONIC’s lab, Level 3, stolen and delivered to Nile Rose, 2292

NOTE: This recording has been transcribed into a final copy.

July 23, 2291

[Man 1] Mateo Queensley. Where’s his file?

[Man 2] Right here, sir.

[Man 1] Zac, have you ran the precautions? There’s no one recording, right?

[Man 2/Zac] Yes sir, Mashima checked and Vernon has Mica in training.

[Man 1] Good. We wouldn’t want this getting to Rudy.

{short pause}

[Man 1] Mateo doesn’t have an ability? Then why is he here?

[Zac] His parents did. One force field protection and one telekinesis. The woman lost her ability before she died.

[Man 1] That’s rare. There’s a possibility that he could get either power or both.

[Zac] That’s affirmative, sir.

[Man 1] So why can’t we find his power?

[Zac] His DNA shows no signs of ability. Normally children would have a gene in their DNA showing abnormal signs but we couldn’t find any on him in the normal areas.

[Man 1] Is there any chance that he might not have a power?

[Zac] Almost none, sir.

{long pause}

[Man 1] What’s he up to right now?

[Zac] He’s just making protests and causing riots. They’re burning property. We should have never let him out.

[Man 1] Don’t tell me what to do, Zac.

[Zac] Yes sir.

[Man 1] We shouldn’t have let him build a name for himself. Letting him out was fine. We needed more kids outside and thought the environment may help him adapt to his ability.

[Zac] Sir, I don’t mean to be rude but he’s not a normal person. The kid’s a workaholic, he never stops doing what he thinks is right for the Commonwealth.

[Man 1] The world doesn’t need him, Zac.

[Zac] Sir, the problem is that people are killing each other.

[Man 1] The problem is that he’s destroying my company and I need to get rid of him.

[Zac] Holken maybe we should start banning places to send the kids. The war is worse in some places and they’re getting killed.

[Man 1/Holken] We send them there because they are useless. They aren’t doing good in class and we have no need for them.

[Zac] But we should give everyone a chan-

[Holken] We already did. I want that Queensley kid to be executed. No excuses.

[Zac] Sir-

[Holken] No excuses. And I want Jayden Hudson and Dylan-James Suarez’s files too.

[Zac] Yes sir.

End of Recording.