
“You can’t fucking do this!” Jayden yelled, thrashing around using all the power he could to break out of the bonds. Almost knocking himself over from the strain, Jayden finally loosened some of it. However, Holken himself rushed over and secured them once again. Jayden cried out in anger. Then suddenly, Jayden felt that Holken was off guard. He immediately clawed at his thoughts, clinging onto one. “Your sister was in the same position I was! She knew something and you killed her. The procedure eventually KILLED HER," Jayden yelled, desperately clinging onto anything in Holken's mind that could be useful to him.

“Well, I guess we’ll have to erase this part also,” Holken nodded towards the nurse. “My sister killed herself,” was the last thing that the chairman said as they wheeled Jayden out of the meeting room and into the same room Zac was just in. The walls had been whitewashed and the floor was shining as bright as the sun. There were no traces of a murder at all. Jayden squinted as a light shone right above his face. He laid still in the bed, thinking, calming himself down a little. There was no point in doing anything at this time. They had laid out their cards right in front of me and I still lost the game. Jayden would never remember Mateo again. He thought of all the sweet moments they had shared together with their friends. He tried to keep his mind on the good moments but he couldn’t help thinking of their last moments together. The way they said their goodbyes, the sound of Mateo’s head being severed off his body. He could almost picture his lover’s lifeless eyes and the blood pooling. All he had to do was remember. He was clinging on to the last thing that he had left of him. Love.