Early morning came and passed. Alto slept and yelled at the pilot to get there in the fastest time possible. It was no use. On the Outercraft, life seemed like eternity and for once, Alto was bored. The past few days were stressful and sad. Alto never got time to rest. But even in the Sunken, Alto never rested that much anyway. He was always doing something. He remembered someone always complaining about how he had no time to “have fun”. For him, adrenaline is “fun”. But that can come in many shapes and sizes.
He was woken up from another short nap by extreme turbulence hitting the Outercraft. Alto yelled to the pilot.
“Sir, is everything alright?”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” the pilot responded. But Alto could tell by how the pilot mumbled and hesitated that it wasn’t “fine” at all. Suddenly, another jolt hit the bottom, causing Alto’s body to almost get pulled out of his seat. The seatbelt protecting him was tightly strung around his waist, digging into his stomach.