
“DJ Suarez, you know him?” Janus asked Alto the moment they got on the Outercraft. That was many hours ago.

“Our best friend,” Jayden replied, gesturing to him and Alto.

“Woah, hold on. DJ? I haven’t heard that name in ages.”

“Probably because you died and resurrected on the other side of the world!” Janus exclaimed, laughing. Jayden and Alto joined in.

“What’s up with DJ? Did something bad happen?” Jayden said, his eyes full of concern.

“No, um,” Janus cleared his throat. “I almost died while finding the Colombina mask, I got lucky cause’ he came in and saved me.”

“He tends to save people,” Jayden chuckled.

“Oh, ha! Remember when we were on the roof of ULTRASONIC? You, being idiotic as always, fell off and DJ just happened to be standing at the bottom! He said he was waiting for the doors to open so he could do his mission report,” Alto described, smiling. He adored the wide grin that Jayden gave him, oblivious of what really caused it.