Hundreds of miles away from the bunker....

A countryside with fields overgrown with weeds. A farmhouse could be seen near to the road. The farmhouse looks like it is abandoned.

The door to the house remains open and is swaying in one of its hinges. Windows remain closed but the glass panels are broken. Shattered glass pieces could be seen on the ledges.

'CREAKKK....' . The farmhouse is making creaking sounds as if the wood is under high tension.

Five hundred metres away from the farmhouse there is a group of ten people laying on the ground. They are covered by the overgrown grass hiding them from others.

Eight of them are men and two ladies. All of them battle hardened warriors displaying scars and wounds to tell tales of their hardship and bravery.

All of them are wearing camouflage military uniforms and tactical backpacks.

In each of their backpacks and uniform you could see a patch with 'UNIT 37' stitched in black colour.

Yes. It is a scouting team. More precisely thirty seventh scouting team.

Their shoulders are tensed and their faces are nervous, as if they are going to face a dangerous enemy.

''The farmhouse looks like it will fall apart in a strong wind'' looking through the monocular the foremost member of the team whispered to his throat mike.

''Rabbit, don't whisper. Talk normally in a low tone'' said a gruff man in a deep voice.

He has wide shoulders and dark skin. He looks much older than other members of the team. His eyes were watching the surroundings even when he was speaking to his mic.

''Yes boss''. There is confusion in the young man's eyes. Still he replied respectfully to the team leader.

Yes. He is Michael Steele, the team leader of unit 37.

Newbies are not allowed to use their name in their first scouting trip. They are only allowed to use their name after successfully completing their first outing.

It is a tradition followed by the teams. No one knows why it is so and who started it but every scouting party followed the rule.

''Idiot, when you whisper the hissing sound travels further than normal sound'' said an asian man who is further away from the newbie called rabbit.

''Take it easy on him feng. It's his first outing'' Riyya steele said from the side with a small smile.

She has blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. It's not too long and not too short.

Her cheekbones are high and have freckles on her high cheeks. She has a face that will make people take a second look.

Even in military garments and covered in mud and dust she is still a stunner.

''Then what do they teach nowadays in training camp'' he shook his head disapprovingly.

''You know camp training doesn't make you ready to be in the field feng'' she replied.

''You don't need the newbie to freeze up while meeting his first predator. Now do we ?'' She said with a wink at the newbie they call rabbit.

He smiled back shyly and mouthed 'thank you'.

'A boy. He is just a boy. Fresh out from training. Still shy and haven't seen the world outside' she sighed

'His action while seeing the first will determine whether he will see his second or end up in the first one's belly.' She thought silently without much emotions or care.

That's how it is. You take care of yourself first. Then if you can help the team mates.

Yeah. It is inconsiderate to think like that. But you won't live long out here if you are kind hearted.

''Enough chatter. Let's do this'' said the team leader and motioned to the man besides him.

''Send in the treats Rogers'' .

Rogers, a man of six feet high took out a bundle consisting of a flash bang and smoke grenade tied together with strings.

He pulled off the pin from both of them.

''Sending them now. Hot and served'' he said and tossed it away towards the farmhouse.

All of them turned their heads away from that direction and kept their eyes shut.

BANNGGG. The package exploded with thousand five hundred lumen and a lot of smoke. It is enough to be heard in a vicinity of five hundred meters.

And it is also enough to attract the attention of any predators near them.

Well.... even if it missed the spot there is smoke coming from the spot making it obvious to anyone.

Smoke gradually faded, blown away by the wind.

And nothing happened. The farmhouse and field remain silent.

''Why is it not coming out ?'' Asked Sebastian thorne, another member of the team as he climbed up to the crouch position to observe the area.

He is the sniper of the team. He has to obtain a visual of the target at the earliest so as to snipe it.

Even though he is not sure he could put down the predator with one or two .50 BMG bullets from barret m82, he has to try at least.

If all goes well a bullet to the head will take care of it and if he misses....

Well then one or two body shots will at least make it bleed. Making it slow to respond. Blood loss will eventually tire the monster down in a prolonged battle.

A slow predator is always a blessing than a fast one.

He turned his head and looked at his twin sister with doubt.

''Stella are you sure this is the farmhouse'' he asked but regretted it immediately.

''Are you trying to say that I made a mistake in tracking the predator last night? '' her eyes calm and watching her younger brother.

Even though her eyes looked calm, everybody knows that the words coming out of Sebastian's mouth next will determine whether he gets an earful from his sister or not.

''Ahhh.... I mean that no I don't mean that. What I am trying to say is that all of the farm houses here looks pretty similar and....'' Sebastian smiled in a placating way showing off all his white teeth.

''And. And what ?'' Stella Thorne asked her brother. Her sharp eyes watching him like watching a prey.

''Knock it off both of you. We may or may not have made an error while tracking it.''

''Thermal imaging could mess up if there is another heat source near the heat signature of predator''

''But until we check it out and know for sure proceed with caution''. Said Michael

The team was out scouting yesterday and found the predator near an abandoned windmill. It was attracted by the noise made by the windmill fan.

It looks like a predator evolved from wolves. The snout and body structure of wolves could be definitely seen on the predator but in larger size.

It is almost eight and a half metres high.

It seems like loud noise irritates the guy. It was pretty angry and was howling when they spotted it.

''Pay attention guys it could come out any time'' Riyya whispered.

''Yeah. If it is there...'' Sebastian shut his mouth suddenly.

AWWUUU..... . There is a sudden howl from the farmhouse.