16th birthday

"This is my story," said Luna, before going back to her seat.

"That was good, now let's continue with the next student," said the teacher.

As the school day continues it gets so much closer to Luna's 16th birthday. One of Luna's closest friends Max suddenly asked about her birthday in which she replies.

"It's not a big deal Max plus my uncle is going to be home that day if he doesn't pass out in the bar," said Luna.

"Either way if you manage to get out of that situation, give me a call, you know I'll always be here for you," said Max.

After school ends Luna gets back home where she gets greeted with a sudden slap in the face that makes her collapse.

"What took you so long go and get me a beer," said her uncle John.

"Yes, John right away," said Luna.

Luna gets up with a sad look on her face she gives John his beer. The next day being Luna's birthday she wakes up to her aunt Maria singing the happy birthday song to her. When she gets prepared in the morning she puts on the moon necklace that her mother gave her when she was four. She suddenly remembers that horrible night when her parents died. Luna gets weirdly dizzy not thinking much of it she continues with her day.

Later that day, John goes out to the bar as he usually does. Luna decided to invite some of her friends to celebrate her birthday. Once they all arrive Luna takes them all to her room.

"Luna dear do you really think its a good idea to have guests over at a time like this," said Maria.

"I know what you're going to say but I can't go today without my friends," said Luna.

"How come your uncle isn't here today Star," Said Jessica one of Luna's closest friends.

"Well, he always goes out to the bar on Saturdays he comes back late if he doesn't pass out anyway the weirdest thing happened I was doing my usual routine this morning and I got weirdly dizzy for some reason," said Luna.

"That's odd does that happen to you often?" said Jessica.

"No that has never happened to me before," said Luna.

"That's all well and whatever but I came here for the cake so I'm going to ask how long for the cake," said Max.

"Let me just get it ill be right back," said Luna.

After that, they all ate a piece Luna's favorite chocolate fudge cake. John drunkenly comes in attempts to attack Luna and her friends seeing all this she gets a strange feeling in her left eye. The fear of disappointing her friends roiling up inside.

She starts to slowly grow what looks to be wings and a small horn. with a demonic smile in her face, Luna materializes a small dagger cutting her uncle leaving him bleeding on the floor. Luna gets out of her sudden episode and passed out.