Chapter - 9

(Nate P.O.V)

When they both left my office I get back to work. I was busy with my project when Ethan enters my office.

"Nate," Ethan said entering my office.

"You're still here," I ask him shocked to see him here. Generally, he was always the first one to leave the office.

"I'm going to leave with Mia I have come to see if you need anything and to say goodbye," Ethan said to me.

"I don't need anything you both can go," I said to him while smiling at him.

"Thanks, and oh I forgot to ask you, how are the things with the baby?" he asks.

"It's okay," I said while rubbing my forehead.

"Are you sure? It's like something is bothering you," he asks worrying about me.

"I have a problem with Aana," I said while rubbing my hands on my face.

"What problem?" he asks.

"She is too jealous, she is always like this," I said to him.

"I find it normal, it will be difficult to her, that you are gonna have a baby with another woman," he said to me.

"She knows very well that our situation is different, and there is no possibility to abandon her or fall in love with another woman," I said annoyed at him for taking her side.

"But this woman is the mother of your child," he argued.

"This is true but I can't fall in love with the woman I don't know, and that woman is a stranger for me even if she has something from me inside her," I said to him.

"She should have more trust in me, sometimes I wonder if we want the same thing," he said getting very irritated now.

"Are you sure you love her?" he asks me.

"What kind of question is this? of course I love her don't forget that she is my wife," I almost shouted at him.

"Do you only love her because she is your wife?" he asks.

"I don't get your point, Ethan," I said to him while looking at him puzzled. He was about to say something when my phone

started to ring and I excused myself to pick it up while he, just nodded at him.

"Hello," I said on the phone.

"Hello Mr. Nara I am Doctor Mondale speaking, can you come to my hospital as soon as possible," a voice said in the phone.

"What's wrong? is the baby okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I will tell you everything when you will be here," DR. Mondale said and hang up the call.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Ethan ask.

"I have to go, Ethan, I will talk with you later," I said to him while picking my car keys from the table and running out of my


I see Mia saying goodbye to me but I just ignored her. I sit in the back car and told him to drive to Dr. Mondale's hospital.I( call Aana and said her to met me at Dr. Mondale's hospital.

Now I am sitting in the hospital with Aana waiting for the doctor to come and say something.

"Everything is going to be okay," Aana tried to console me.

"I have a bad feeling about it, I want to know I can't wait anymore it's killing me," I said to her.

Suddenly the door opens and Dr. Mondale comes out of his office.

"Aana, Nate," Dr. Mondale said acknowledging us with nodding his head.

"Everything is alright with baby, right?" I ask with hope in my heart.

"The baby is fine," he said with a small smile.

"Than what is wrong, doctor?" I ask.

"I don't know how to start, I am really sorry," the doctor said while looking down at the ground.

"What is it?" I ask now getting worried.

"Yesterday an accident happened in the lab, and," the doctor said and trail off.

"and what?" I ask getting curious but what he said next shocked me to the core.

"and everything in the lab gets burned into the ashes, and even the sample of you," the doctor said to me.

"That means," I said still in shock.

"That it was your last chance to have your own child, and you can't do it from now on because everything is destroyed, I'm

really sorry," the doctor said to me leaving me speechless. I leave from there try to compose myself to stop myself from breaking down not before hearing the doctor talking with Aana.

"Go with him Aana, he needs you and sorry for this accident, an accident like this always happens in the lab," the doctor said to Aana.

"Nate wait," Aana said and run to catch up with me. But I don't stop and run towards my car and sit near my car with its support.

"I'm so sorry," Aana said sitting next to me while holding my hand.

"If anything happens to that child everything will be over," I said to her.

"Don't think like this, everything is going to be okay in the end," she said to me trying to console me.

"I wish if I can do something for you," she said while hugging my hand and an idea pops up in my mind.

"Do you really wanted to do something for you?" I ask her.

"Ask me whatever you want," she said to me.

"Let's allow this woman to stay with us, we will take care of her baby so that everything will go well in the end," I requested her.

"What? another woman will stay with us? no way," she said while shaking her head,

"Until she gives birth after she gives birth she will leave us," I added to convince her to do it.

"We must be careful so that everything goes well with the baby," I said to her.

"No way I will ever allow it," she shouted at me.

"You don't care right?" I ask getting angry.

"Nate, that's not true," she said shocked with my words.

"The only thing you care is if you lose me but you don't care about my child," I said at the edge of shouting at her.

"You don't care about how I feel," I said standing up from the ground and taking a step away from her.

"Of course I care," she said taking a step closer to me.

"No, you don't, we both want different things we don't have the same dreams," I said while taking some step away from her.

"Nate," she said while taking a step closer to me.

"No, don't," I said stopping at her way to as she takes one step closer to me.

"But remember one thing Aana, if I lose a child one more time, then I want to spend my whole life alone, that means we will

break up," I said while turning away from her.

"You can't be serious right," she asks.

"I am," I turn to look at her to show her how serious I am.

"So I was right the only thing you cared about to have a child," she shouted at me.

"You were wrong the only thing I wanted was to have a family with you," I said while moving my hands at my face stressed

with all this drama of her.

"But if we can't do it then there is no more reason to stay with me, you deserved to be someone who can give you everything I can't, and I can't give you a family," I said turning away from her.

"But everything I want is you, Nate, a family is not important to me," she said almost at the edge of breaking down.

*So I was right about her she only cares about her and not about me,* I thought.

"But for me, it is, forgives me Aana, but we both want different things, even if I allow to stay with me, you will never be happy with me," I said to her.

"Because I can't stop the desire I can't have, forgive me Aana for wasting so much time with me, you will be happy with someone who will give everything, I will let you free if I lost the last chance of becoming a father," with that said I walk away from her and drive away to my office, my second home hoping that she understands and let that woman stay with us in want to spend her rest of the life with me.