(Third person P.O.V)
“I want to talk to doctor Pateza the gynecologist now,” I shouted at the nurse in anger.
“Wait a sec,” the nurse said and goes to call the doctor.
“Oh no,” Ella the nurse who has mixed the file and sends Mia to an endocrinologist by mistake said to herself when she saw
Jenny and Mia sitting and waiting for the doctor.
“Please god what I was thinking was wrong,” she said to herself while waiting for the doctor.
“Dr. Monslave we have a big problem,” Ella said while entering dr.Monslave office.
“What is it?” he asks looking out of his file.
“The patient to whom we did insemination with Mr. Nara sperm is here with her mother, and she was looking angry,” she
explains and he goes pale.
"Dr. Pateza is waiting for you in his room," the nurse said to Mia and Jenny and guide them to his office. They knock at the door of his office.
"Come in," Dr. Pateza said while reading a file.