Chapter - 30

(At the same time to Anna)

I was putting my nail polish at my on my tose when I heard a call from my best friend Elena.

“Hello,” I said picking up the call.

“Hello, Anna did Nate have any female friend,” she asks with little hesitation.

“No why?” I ask with a frown.

“Actually you no what forgot it, how are you doing,” I heard her about to say something but change her mind.

“No, Elena tell me, why are you ask me that?” I ask her, giving her my full attention now.

“N...No it’s nothing I must be ha... hallucinating the things,” she shutters.

“Ellena,” I ask her in a stern voice.

“I...I was in Spain and I have seen her with the a..another woman hugging her and crying his heart out to her, ” she shutters.

“I don’t believe you do you have a proof of it,” I ask her.

“Yes, I have photos of them on my mobile I will send you as soon as I hang up,” she said.