3rd person P.O.V
A whole month goes like this, Nate comes to Mia house to teach his children and sometimes also send some time with them by taking them in amusement parks, or movies or to the zoo or just simply playing with them to spend as much time as he can with his children. Oliver now has started to believe that he was their father and Dylan started to suspect that something his fishy with him.
One day in the morning Oliver has gone to school and Dylan goes to his office while Olivia stayed home because she was sick and was having a fever. That day Nate has decided he can’t take it anymore and he needs to talk about this to Mia. Mia was looking after Olivia when she heard the knock on the door she opens the door to see Nate was standing in front of her.
“Nate what are you doing here?” she asks him.
He ignored her and walks inside the house.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Mia said looking worried.