(3rd Person P.O.V)
The next morning, after breakfast Nate leaves with the kids to drop them to school while Mia goes with his father's company with his father. Alan first gives him the tour of the full building while introducing her to all staff then takes her to his office.
He introduces her to his secretary and tells his secretary to teach everything to Mia about his company, shares, profits, contracts, and clients. He also takes her in some of his meetings.
At lunchtime, they decided to go to Pizza hut because she was craving pizza and order their lunch.
“So how is it today? Do you like it there?” Alan asks him while taking a bite of his pizza.
“I love it here, Your secretary Mrs. Peterson was also a nice lady, she teaches me with patience and did not get frustrated when I ask too many questions, ” Mia said smiling at her.