Hey guys as you know I am going to continue the sequences of Accidental pregnancy in the main book only I want you to guide you how can you differentiate between the books and sequences.
I will write the the chapter of its first sequence The beauty trap of an agent chapters title like this.
Book - II The beauty trap of an agent Ch - 1 - Chapter tittle
I will write the the chapter of its second sequence His clumsy little angle
Book - III His clumsy little angle Ch - 1 - Chapter tittle
I will write the the chapter of its third sequence His contract bride
Book - VI His contract bride Ch - 1 - Chapter tittle
I will write the the chapter of its fourth sequence Her secret admirer
Book - V Her secret admirer ch - 1 Chapter name
If you have any query or question that you want to asks from me then email me at this address: mynovels96@gmail.com.