Book - II The Beauty Trap of an Agent, Chapter - 6

(3rd person P.O.V)

"Can you tell me why are you arresting me?" Roy asks her.

"You will know everything when we reach the office," Olivia said while calling Mr. White. Mr. White picked up and answered the call.

"Hello, Mr. White, Olivia here," Olivia said on the phone.

"Yes Olivia, have you finally caught the culprit?" Mr. White asks him.

"Yes, sir and I am taking him to your office," Olivia said on the phone and hang upon them. It takes 15 minutes to reach there. She gets out of her car and walks inside the office where everybody was waiting from there.

"Here is the culprit of your company, who deal with illegal items," Olivia said while making Roy stand in front of them.

"What? the culprit of the company, who deals with illegal items?" Dered asks puzzled by the information.

"Shut up! Dobe or I will kill you right here," Roy said feeling pissed off for being humiliated like this in front of his co-workers.