Book - II The beauty trap of an agent, Chapter - 8

(Olivia P.O.V)

I woke up the following day with my alarm ringing next to me, and I shut it up and got ready for the day.

"Lets' see, I have put my folding knife and gun inside my shoes, just in case I need it," I said while checking all the things I needed for this case.

"The recorder and the camera are already attached to my purse," I thought and checked the purse.

"Keys - check, Mobile - check, charger - check, my cards and money - check," I said while checking all the things I would need for the office. I fit all the doors and windows of my apartment and walk out of there.

I grabbed my favorite coffee from the cafe and drove to the office. I called and informed my boss that I reached the office and walked inside the building after turning the recorder and crema on.

"Excuses me, my name is Olivia Nara, and I am Mr. Adams's new secretary," I said to the receptionist who was busy typing in her computer.