Book - II - My abused Mate - Chapter - 2

(3rd person P.O.V)

"I know that look; what going on inside your mind, Cole?" Torak asks Cole.

"I was thinking, wheatear to tell Ryan about this or not?" Cole said, looking lost in his thought.

"And what have you decided?" Torak asks.

" I decided to discuss this matter with the alliance council and then decide. I don't want vampires to think that we are planning to backstab them and go to war against them," Cole said to him.

"You have made the right decision," Torak said, smiling and patting his back.

"I just hope the werewolves council and elders understand," Cole said with a sigh.

"They will understand; they are a smart person," Torak said, smiling at him.

After lunch, everyone was gathered in the conference room and took their seat.

"Elder, before we start the meeting again, can I say something?" Alpha Daniel asks the elder.

"Yes, what is it?" Elder Ethan asks him.

"I don't think we should include Alpha Cole and any member of his pack," Alpha Daniel said to him.

"Why, because you think I might tell about this to their king?" Cole asked, and he nodded his head at him.

"Then I think you should also not include Alpha Daniel and any member of his pack because of their pack history with them," Cole said to the elder.

"Enough both of you, do you, Alpha Cole, do you promise us that you will not utter a word to any vampire until the investigation of this matter is finished?" Elder Ethan asks Cole.

"Yes, sir," Cole said to them.

"You are well aware that if you or any member of your pack utter a single word about this matter. We will remove you and your pack members from this investigation. And we will not allow you and your pack members to attend any meeting or discussion regarding this matter, or you are allowed to take any step regarding this matter. If you did, you and your pack would be treated as an enemy, right?" the elder asks Cole.

"Yes, sir," Cole said to him.

"And the same goes with you, Alpha Daniel. If we found out that you have done something that you shouldn't, then we will take the necessary steps to make sure you didn't create any trouble for us, is that clear?" elder Ethan asks him.

"Yes, sir," Alpha Denial said to him.

"Alright, during lunch, the elders conclude that not only do we need to keep an eye on the vampires, but we also need to keep an eye on surrounding areas of our pack like the club, schools, college, etc. because this is the areas where they have kidnapped the children and teenagers." Elder Ethan explains to them.

"I want you to tell your warriors to go and hide in these places. Those warriors can protect them from getting kidnapped, while the investigation party will watch the vampire coven and report their every action directly to the elders. While on it, also try to find out where they have hidden the missing people and what have they done with them, do not take any measure step or do anything stupid, without asking or taking permission from the elders, is it clear?" elder asks to, everyone.

"Yes, sir," everyone said to him.

"Cole, I want you to prepare the whole list of vampire cove, with the name of their leader, no of the member in it, and their location, since you know them better than anyone, okay?" the elder asks him.

"Yes, sir," Cole said to him.

" I want every pack leader to give all the missing person's information, like name, age, gender, height, and the place from where they have gone missing, to Torak. Then make a list of the people you want to send for investigation and give them to Dean, okay?" Elder Ethan asked, and they nodded their head at him.

"Torak, once you have collected the data of all the missing people, make a list of places the people have gone missing from, and the place you think people can get kidnap form, then send it to us, okay?" elder asks him, and he nodded his head at him.

"Once I have collected all the information, I will inform you when and where to send the people you had, choose to send for investigation, okay?" the elder asked, and everyone nodded their head to him.

"Good, - " the elder said and was about to dismiss the meeting, but Cole interrupted them.

"Sir, if I may, Can I suggest something?" Cole asks them.

"Yes, go ahead," the elder said to him while nodding his head, telling him to continue.

"Sir, I will suggest that we discuss this matter with the alliance's council before taking any serious matter. If we don't do that, then in the future, the vampire didn't use it against us and make us pay a heavy price for it," Cole suggested to them.

"Yes, I agree with you," the elders said to him.

"But wouldn't it alert them? What if a vampire elder in the alliance's council goes and alerts other vampires? Besides, we also don't have any evidence against them. What are the chances of them helping us without any evidence? " one of the alphas asks them.

" We will gather all the evidence first. Then we will approach them and request them to allow us to punish those vampires who are involved in this incident. We will also ask them not to involve and tell vampire council members about it since all the members of the alliance's council were selected personally by Emma and have taken the blood oat in front of so many people. I don't think they can say a word about what was discussed in the meeting to people outside of the conference since there was a chance that some vampire council member would be involved in it. I will personally request Emma to attend this meeting to make sure the vampires in the alliance council did not create any problem for us, " Cole suggested to them.

"So it was decided that we will only collect all the evidence and information we needed and discuss the next step to punish the criminals with alliances council. Does anyone else has anything to say or asks us?" the elders ask the people present in the conference room. When no one raised their hand, the elder dismissed the meeting, and everyone returned to their room.

"Adam, your guy's summer vacation will start next week, right?" Cole asks him while walking inside their suit.

"Yes, why?" Adam ask.

"Because I want you to be a part of the investigation," Cole said to him.

"And what about Ashton?" Adam asks him.

"He will stay here and help me protect our pack members, Ashton. I want you and Adam to list all the warriors we have and list them according to their ranks from week to the strongest warrior, okay?" Cole asks him. He nodded and got to work while Cole took his laptop out from his bag and did what the elders had told him to do.

After two days of giving the elders all the information they need, they come back home, and Cole narrates everything in the meeting to his father and Nikki.

"Do you think if Ryan finds out about it and knows that I didn't tell him anything about it, he will get angry with us?" Cole asks her.

"He won't think I did this because I doubt him or something like this, would he?" Cole asks in a panic.

"He is a smart and very understanding person. He would understand the situation. Let us all hope that the vampires were not involved in this problem, or at least it was rogue vampires who didn't follow the rules and created trouble. Otherwise, we will be in some troublesome problem," Nikki said, smiling at him.

"Anyway, you must be tired from a long flight. Get fresh. I will send an Omega with your dinner, have it and get some sleep, okay?" Nikki asks, and he nodded his head at him. She kissed his head and walked out of their room.