Chapter - 20

(Oliver P.O.V)

I wake up, feeling a huge headache, and tried to open my eyes, as soon as, I open it I was blinded by the bright light, and close my eyes. I blink my eyes a little time to get used to it and open it again to see my family and friends are back and hovering over me.

"Are you okay, Oliver?" My dad asks looking worried and I shake my head which only increases my headache making me groan in pain.

"My baby, what happened to you? Why did I find out you passed out near the gate and where is Elena? " my mom asks looking worried while caressing my head and a lone tear fall from my eyes.

I open my mouth to say something but word fails to come out from my mouth. I put my hand over my head massaging my temple to lessen the pain.

"Here," mom said passing a cup of water with a two-pill of aspirin and I gulp it down in no time and give the cup back to my mother.

"Have some rest, we will talk about this later okay," dad asks with a small smile on his face.