

The following day, Ian, Alice along with Jeremy and Vanessa were in the beach sunbathing, Jeremy was in the beach with his girlfriend while the other two were getting tanned.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a banana peel"


"You know....once you get the good stuff inside you throw the peel out" he says, Alice looks at him.

"You're one weird kid you know that?" She teases, Ian shrugs.

In honesty, Ian is devastated. The time he had spent on developing his crush on Jackson rather than focus on something else like stamp collection would've been a better choice than be rejected without even confessing his feelings. He feels like this summer is going to be a long one and he doesn't know how to feel about it.

"Look it's Ethan" Alice says smiling. Ian changed positions so that he was laying on his tummy, he doesn't want anyone to see the bags under his eyes.

Ethan walked over to them and smiled seeing the two enjoy their silent time, since last night Ethan had been worrying about Ian especially now. He's worried that Ian might not enjoy his summer with drama around it.

"Hey guys mind if I join?" He asks laying a towel next to Ian. Alice shrugged applying sunscreen on her legs.

"Free country dude...Ian here, you're getting all red" she says handing her friend the bottle.

Ian applied some sunscreen on his legs and arms.

"Help me with my back" he turned to Alice. She winked at Ethan who smirks and nods.

"Sure, no problem"

Ian felt soft hands on his back, they moved up and down his back making him feel relaxed.

"Mmhh" he closed his eyes feeling his tense back losen up, the person knew what they were doing. He pictured himself in a room with Jackson, they were making out, his hands roaming around his back.

"Oh Jackson" he moaned.

"What did you say?" Alice asks holding in her laughter. His eyes shot open and he set up on the towel, his face bright red. Alice and Ethan giggling at him.

"I....I said hackson" he said quickly and walked away from them. They laughed.

"He's whipped"


"Stupid daydreaming, stupid feelings" he kicked the sand under his feet and went to sit on a nearby rock. He sighed watching the view ahead of him, the beach was calm today. He wishes he could be like that, calm.

"Hey there" a voice said behind him, he turned to see who it was.

"Umm hi" he said shyly. The person infront of him was truly handsome, his sharp jawline and strong face features were making Ian swoon.

"I noticed you were all sitting here by yourself so..." the young man trailed off. He had been watching Ian's little tantrum and he found it cute, something he'd never say to another man but he finds this young boy to be an exception and he doesn't know why.

"So....??" Ian asks quietly, was this person hitting on him? Was it the reason why his face was burning right now?

"I wanted to see if i can join you...if you want that is" he says. Ian smiles and nods, it wouldn't hurt making a new friend, especially during summer break because there is a possibility that they will never meet again.

"My name is Vince"



Ethan sighed for the nth time as his eyes roamed the beach looking for Ian.

"I'm sure he's fine, don't worry" Vanessa says wrapping her waist with a towel. Jeremy laid down next to her.

"Maybe he met Jackson and they're making out somewhere" he shrugs, Alice squeals while Ethan rolled his eyes.

"Jackson doesn't like the beach during the day, I'm sure he's still in that bedroom sleeping"

Alice smirks.

"The way you're worried about our little Ian someone might confuse that you have a crush on him" she teases, Ethan looked the other way.

"Stop talking nonsense" he says making the group snicker, what they didn't see was his blushing face.


"And he said he had a crush on my friend...well not technically but he did ask if my friend was in a relationship or not" Ian says. Vince sighs tapping on his chin.

"This sounds dramatic, my advice is let him go and get yourself someone better" he says.

After listening to Ian's story, Vince realized that Ian was a selfless person and he thinks that it's time Ian becomes selfish and gets what he wants.

"I can't get over someone that quickly...especially when I have been crushing on Jackson for months now" he says looking ahead. Vince nodded.



"I'm sorry"

Ian tilts his head to the side in confusion.



Vince plants his lips against Ian's. His heartbeat was skyrocketing as his eyes were wide open in shock. Vince pulled away.

"I....I have to go" Ian said standing up, Vince held his hand.

"I know that we just met but....I like you" he says, Ian pulled away his hand and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry...I.....I can't" he says and walks away. Vince sighed watching him leave.

"Jackson doesn't deserve you" he whispers.