Episode 1

I sat on the bed, helping my mother fold the clothes, she had thrown all over the bed. She and My Father were going out on a trip. They were going to a friend's funeral. That friend had lost his mother in death, and since both my parents knew him, they decided to both attend the funeral and console him.

I wanted to go with my parents on this trip, since this was the first time they were leaving me alone at home. I did not like the idea of them leaving me all by myself. Well, it is not like I could not take care of myself, I just did not want to be alone. I was very quiet, as I kept folding the clothes. My mother realised this and tried to engage me in a conversation, but I was not really paying attention.

"What's wrong, Daniel? You have been so quiet ever since you came in here. Is everything okay?" She looked puzzled.

"It's nothing, mother. I am fine," I replied.

"You are not fine, Daniel. Remember you are my son, and I know you inside and out. Tell me what's wrong with you?"

I sighed and shook my head, not wanting to talk about it. My mother sat beside me on the bed. We were in my parents bedroom. My father, though, was already downstairs, packing some of the bags into the car. Mother put her hands around me, and whispered to me.

"Danny, my baby boy. Please, tell me why you are so quiet."

"Well… " I started, "... I just don't want you to go, mother. Can't father go alone?"

"Oh, so this is why you are so quiet? But, I thought we talked about this."

"I know, mother. I just don't feel comfortable being home alone. I know Catherine will be here later to clean up the house, and maybe watch over me. But, I just don't want to be home without you. Please mom. Please stay with me. I beg you." I had tears in my eyes.

Mother sighed. "Daniel, it is not like I want to leave you all alone here. It's just that, I can't take you with me. It's a long journey and the road is quite bad. Besides, you still need to study for your upcoming exams. Danny, listen. The trip is just for three days. I promise you that, once we are done with everything, we will come back here immediately."

I nodded, but still wanted to ask the question that was bothering my mind. "Mom, why do you have to go today? Can't you go tomorrow? Since tomorrow is a holiday?"

Mother smiled at me. "You know this person is not just anybody but your father's best friend. He is like a brother to your father. We can't just leave him alone when he needs us. Look, I already called your uncle George, and he is on his way here. He will be watching over you, while we are gone. I know you are fond of him."

"Wait! Uncle George is coming here? Yeeeesss." I punched my hands in the air and started jumping up and down on the bed. I was so happy and excited that uncle George would be spending time with me. My mother watched me, laughing her heart out.

Once I was done and had gotten all the excitement out of my system, I got down from the bed and ran to my mother. "Is he coming now?"

"I am sure he is on his way. Before then, why don't you help me finish folding the clothes into the bag?" my mother replied.

I quickly did as I was told, and started helping my mother fold and pack everything else she needed for the trip. When we were done, I offered to carry the bag for her, as we left the room. I managed to carry the bag downstairs, since it felt quite heavy. I was already feeling tired from carrying it all the way down, but I did not complain.

We were almost stepping outside, when my father entered the room.

"I thought the two of you were not going to come down. In fact, I was beginning to think we were not going for the trip anymore." he complained.

"I was trying to convince our little man here how important this trip is." my mother mocked.

"Well, okay. But, we need to go now. We have to beat the traffic. You know how terrible the traffic is on a weekday. I would not want to be in it till dark." he said and took the bag from me while my mother and I followed outside.

We stood at the gate, and my mother placed both her hands on my shoulders. She and I were almost of the same height. My mother is already 42 years old, but she still looks fresh and beautiful.

"Your uncle will be here very soon. Please, remain the good boy that you are and study your books, okay?"

"Yes mother. I am going to miss you," I said sadly.

"I will miss you too, my baby boy," mother replied and hugged me.

She kissed me on the cheek, and went to sit in the car. My father also came over and hugged me. "Take care of yourself, champ. And please, watch over your uncle. You know how he can be sometimes." My Father towered over me, since he was a bit taller than I am.

"Sure, father. Do take care of yourself too," I laughed.

We broke the hug and he went over to sit in the car. He started the car and drove away. The gate had already been opened by the security man, so My Father just drove off. I waved at them till they were no longer in sight. I turned around to enter the house when I heard someone call out my name. I turned towards the direction of the voice, and saw my uncle standing there, smiling at me.

I ran to his side, and hugged him as tightly as I could. "Uncle George, I am so happy you are here. Mother said you were coming, but I was beginning to think you would not come."

"Why would you even think that? Anyway, never mind about that. I am here now, so let's just go inside. It is almost dark out here."

I took the bag from him and led him inside, as he kept laughing at my excitement.