Episode 10

Two years later

I am 16 years old now, going on to 17. I am still living with Auntie Elizabeth in her house. I am almost in my final year in senior high school and I am making it count. I was home for vacation. It is a long vacation since it is the third term for the second year.

I remember Auntie Elizabeth said she had something to tell me when I came back home. And what even bothered me most was the fact that I had not seen uncle George in a while. He always visited me every weekend when he had the time just to spend time with me. For the past one month, I had not even heard from him and that really bothered me.

When I got home, auntie Elizabeth was not even around. So, I just went up to my room and took a long shower. It was already evening, so I made some dinner for myself and Auntie Elizabeth. Auntie Elizabeth returned some time later. She was very happy to see me. She went out to check on one of her businesses in town.

She went into her room to shower and later came down to eat her food. She joined me in the living room to watch TV.

"What time did you arrive? You did not inform me you were coming," she said.

"I came in like two hours ago. I met Rita here and she told me you had gone out to check on your shop."

"Yes. I was looking for a buyer. I got one and went to show him the place." she explained.

"A buyer? Why are you selling the store? Did something happen?"

She nodded. "Yes, I am selling the shop. Daniel, remember I told you there is something I wanted to tell you when you came home?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, this is one of them. So many things have happened in the past three months. So many things. I don't know if I should tell you about them now. Maybe we should wait till tomorrow to talk about it."

"Auntie, if there is anything I should know. Please tell me. And, I haven't even seen uncle George for the past two months. I don't know why, but I feel like something terrible has happened to him. Please, Auntie, tell me if there is any problem."

Auntie Elizabeth sat straight and kept her head down. "As I said, there are a lot of things to tell you. Your uncle was sick recently. He was admitted at the hospital for two months. What I want to say is, your uncle is dead, Daniel."

I jumped up when she said that. "No, that's not true. How did that happen? How come I was never told anything?" tears filled up in my eyes.

"He was poisoned, Daniel. The doctor said he was being poisoned little by little. But, he eventually gave up. I am so sorry, Daniel."

I began to cry. Uncle George was dead and I did not even know. How could I not know he was even sick? I felt terrible. Auntie Elizabeth hugged me on the side and rubbed my shoulders. "Has he been buried?"

"Yes. His family held a small ceremony for him. Daniel, I am so sorry to tell you this. I did not tell you because I did not want you to lose your concentration. Forgive me, please," she explained.

I continued to cry while Auntie Elizabeth consoled me. After I was calm enough, I asked her the other question that was bothering my mind.

"There is more, isn't there?"

She nodded once again. "Yes there is. I got a call from my husband two weeks ago. He called me to tell me that he wanted me to come back to Canada. It seems he has decided to live the rest of his life there instead of here."

"What? But I thought you said you and your family were moving here. What happened?"

"That was the plan. But, my husband decided he was not going to come down anymore. I am sorry Daniel. You know I am very fond of you, so it hurts me to do this to you."

"So, when are you leaving?"

"Next month," shs replied.

"Oh God! What happens to me now? I don't have anywhere else to go to. What happens to me now?"

I began to cry some more. Auntie Elizabeth came closer to me and hugged me tight. I did know I was coming home today to get such shocks in my life. I felt so sad and frustrated. I could not understand why each time something good was happening to me, I had to lose it all at a goal. It hurt so much that I would not be seeing my uncle anymore. How I wish I could see him one last time. I felt so lost.

That night I could not sleep. I was tossing and turning in my bed. I thought about all the people who loved me that I have lost. Each memory of them brought new tears in my eyes. I was heartbroken. I don't know what I could do to heal the pain I was feeling at the moment.

Two days later, Auntie Elizabeth called me to her study. I went to the study, not knowing what shock awaited me. I was nervous when I got to her study. I sat down when she asked me to.

"I know you are wondering why I called you here. I am going to make it as simple as I can. I have a friend, her name is Mary. She is my best friend. I explained to her the situation I have with you and she said she was ready to take you in. She actually called me yesterday to let me know that her husband is okay with the idea."

"Okay. So, when am I going there to meet them?"

"Next Week. You will actually start living with them from next week because my trip will be the following two weeks and I have to prepare myself before I leave."

I let out a deep breath. I have no choice than to accept the arrangement she was making for me. It was better than nothing. "What about my education? Does that mean I am going to drop out?" The thought of dropping out was killing me.

Auntie smiled. "She is willing to fund your education and everything else. All you need to do is be the hood boy that you are and everything will be fine."

"Okay. Thank you, auntie for all the trouble. God will reward you for helping me," I said.

She smiled at me and comforted me. So, that is how I ended up with the Philips. The place that became both blessing and curse for me.