Episode 21

I found Esther in the restaurant waiting for me. She had already ordered for drinks and was sipping on it when I entered. Her eyes perked up when she saw me.

"Hey. I have been waiting here for more than an hour. What kept you?" Esther complained.

"I am so sorry. I was studying and was not looking at the time. I am very sorry. Anyway, did you already order food?" I apologised and sat down by her.

"No, I did not order anything. I was waiting for you to come first. I guess you were studying for the quiz tomorrow, right? I don't know if I can do that though. Mr Williams quizzes are always unpredictable."

"I don't think they are that bad. He normally picks his test from previous semesters. You just have study," I shrugged.

I went over to the counter and ordered food for both of us. I showed the waiter where we were seated and he promised to bring the food to our table.

"So, what did you order for me?" Esther asked me.