Episode 37

Third person's point of view

They got to the doctor's office and sat down on the chairs in the room. Mr Phillips was very agitated to know what was really wrong with Daniel and the expression on his face said it all.

"Dr Armstrong, please tell me what is really wrong with Daniel. Is he going to be okay?"

"Well, the tests we ran on him shows that he has complicated malaria. But, there is more," Dr Armstrong said

"More? What else is wrong with him?"

"After several other physical tests, it was discovered that he has been sexually abused. From all indications, Daniel has been going through this for a while." Doctor Armstrong revealed.

"Sexually abused? What are you saying? Daniel is not the kind of boy who has lots of friends. He is always at home. So, I don't get how this happened," Mr Philips said, seemingly looking confused.

"I think it will be best if you ask him about it. He is the best person to tell you what really happened," Dr Armstrong said.