Episode 44

Third person point of view

Daniel, his father and Genevieve both walked back to the car which was parked at a safe distance. Both Genevieve and Daniel both sat at the back, while Mr Philips sat at the driver's seat. He quickly drove them out of the place immediately.

"Are we going back to the hospital?" Genevieve asked.

"Yes, but a different one. I don't want my son in that cursed hospital," her father replied.

Daniel laid down on the seat, with his head on Genny's lap. He closed my eyes and was totally zoned out from his surroundings. He fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes, so he did not hear half of the conversation between father and daughter.

"So, what are you going to do about Dr Armstrong?" Genevieve asked her father.

"I am going to get that man arrested for what he did. He will surely pay for what he has done."

"Will he be arrested, since what happened, happened years ago?"

"I will have that case reopened."