Before he was even done thinking , he was opening the door . He was frustrated with himself , not being able to control when it came to her .he had watched people dyeing in front of him , not saving them , because that’s what was written in fate. He wasn’t supposed to meddle in it .

But with Reya , he couldn’t help himself .he pulled her away just in time .

Reya was baffled by someone pulling her , but then saw a biker passing in front of them with a whoosh .

Atharv turned her towards himself "are you just trying to grab my attention by putting your self in danger again and again ? Couldn’t you find something cheaper ?" He said knowing that hid words were just bullshit . He wanted her to hate him , so that it would be easier for him to avoid her , to stay away .

Hurt crossed against her face , but then she pushed his hands away "who the hell , do you think you are ? And you know what , you didn’t need to save me , neither last night nor now . I would have preferred being in hospital than taking your help "she said and left .

She felt compelled to him , but her self respect was not something she took lightly . She would never let someone insult her , just because she had feelings for a male.

Reya didn’t tell anyone about what happened between Atharv and her .

Reya and Zoya spent the rest of day at home . They were tired from last night's party and then college .

Next day , Reya and Zoya went to the college. Reya's mood was off , she wasn’t able to rest properly , dark circle had started to show under her eyes .

Aisha also noticed it , she called her cousin for help .

"We cant do anything about it . Its her soul , we have done what we can .her fate is written , we can just sit and pray for her "her cousin said .

A lone tear fell from her eyes , Aisha knew that she wont be able to protect her forever . Thing would change .


After college, it was decided that they would hang out together .

They went to Ishaan’s place . Ansh also joined them . They were all settled in the living room , Zoya and Reya perched on a sofa with Adira ,Atharv and Ansh were also sitting on a sofa a bit away, Ishaan was sitting on a cushion near Zoya .his arm was resting on her legs .

" is there something going on here ?" Adira asked pointing towards Zoya and Ishaan.

"Yes , this beast has been mine for a time now "Zoya said with a grin , pulling at Ishaan’s hair playfully . He groaned and bit the side of her knee . She yelped which made Reya and Adira laugh along Ishaan .

"Ok , its getting out of hand , I will get drinks for everyone "Reya said standing up . She was completely ignoring Atharv .

"I can come with you " Ansh said standing up .

"Nah ! Its fine .I can handle it myself . Ishaan I need a painkiller , where’s the medicine box "she asked .

"You go to the kitchen, I will get it for you "

Ishaan said moving towards his room . He knew that Reya was having headache due to not sleeping properly.

When they left the living room , Adira asked "is Reya fine ?"

"Yeah ! Its just that , she isn’t able to sleep properly from some days , she wake up again and again . Mom actually called the doctor also , but he said everything is fine, maybe she is overthinking about something ."Zoya explained and Adira nodded .

Reya was getting drinks from the refrigerator when Ishaan gave her the pill , she took it with a thanks . They went to the living room , holding drinks and snacks for everyone .

"Hey , why don’t you try to sleep now , it will help with the headache also "Ansh asked .

"It will only make me more frustrated . I wake up again and again , doesn’t matter how tired again and again "Reya said with a smile . They started watching a movie , but Atharv’s focus was on Reya .

He was already feeling bad for saying shit to her .

Everyone left for their place after sometime .

At night , Atharv was thinking about Reya , worrying about her . He wanted to see , if she was okay .

He went to the forest , trying to focus on moon and forget about her . But it was her face , he could see in moon . "Why cant I stop thinking about her ?"he shouted punching the tree ,a whole could be seen clearly in the tree .

Atharv stopped fighting himself , and went towards her house . He found her room and climbed through the window .

He saw her sleeping in a skimpy tank top, he lower half was covered with blanket . She was unmoving for some minutes , he stayed near the window, then she started moving around , as if she was searching for something , her arms moving from here to there in bed , then he saw her waking up .he quickly went down , not wanting to be caught .

Reya got up feeling frustrated , she didn’t know what was wrong with her . She moved towards the window , and started looking towards the moon , tears were falling from her eyes "why is this happening to me ? " she sniffed as if complaining to the moon . She stood there for sometime and then moved towards the bed and started trying to sleep .

Atharv saw her whole condition , he felt sad for her but didn’t understand the reason of his feelings for her . He decided to ignore his feelings and entered her room again when she fell asleep .